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    This Guy Trolled Facebook After He Was Blocked For 30 Days

    Raz Tsipris, one of Israel's popular Meme makers, was blocked last week for 30 days by facebook, after the social giant claimed he violated it's TOS.

    Tsipris didn't give up and searched for a creative way to bypass facebook's sanctions. He discovered that although he can't upload facebook statuses for 30 days, that includes textual, video and photos, he can still update his BIO and use it to update his friends and followeres as if he wasn't blocked in the first place.

    the BIO line which was added to facebook profiles earlier this year, appears on user's feed and can receive likes, comments and shares and more than that; you can't report the BIO line to facebook. so we can summarize that it's a big WIN for all those who were wrongly blocked by facebook. Until facebook will fix this bug.

    in Hebrew: Blocked but still updating via BIO