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    Lets Travel Around The World To See Which Countries Are Calling Your Name!

    I’ll give you different countries to choose from six continents - Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America (in alphabetical order).

    I myself love to travel so I know how difficult it can be to select just one or two places to see. Taking this into account I’ll let you choose more than one country from each continent. It's still not inclusive of every country because if I'm to include every country this quiz will be never-ending! I am not favouring or disregarding any country but I excluded countries that are not safe or easy to travel to at the moment. I also tried to include a lot of less common places.

    Every nation has a unique beauty which cannot and should not be limited to one photo so please don't judge the countries from the single photo I had to select for the purpose of the quiz. Also I apologise in advance for any mistakes I might have made!! I myself haven't travelled to all these places but I did some research when selecting the photos. It was so hard to narrow down the choices!