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    Yet Another F***boy With His Masculinity Threatened

    Have you ever met a guy on Tinder or gotten someone's number at a bar or event? Well, this is what happens if you're a girl who is busy all day and doesn't respond right away to someone you thought

    A Tale as Old as Time...

    My roommate (we’ll call her T for sake of anonymity) went to Vegas with some girlfriends for a birthday party, as young and vibrant 20-year-olds would. And like most nights out at clubs and bars, girls always seem to get asked to dance or if they want a drink. Following in suit, T and her friends were asked by a pair of (mildly) attractive guys to come and sit near them at a table across the way. Needless to say, they were given drinks, compliments, and phone numbers before the night was through.

    Two weeks after the Jameson soaked and Drake empowered evening, T and the guy who gave his number to her (let's call him R) continued to text and from the looks of the message, I thought he seemed like a fun loving and caring guy.

    Boy were we WRONG.

    Unfortunately, like most times when girls meet guys on tinder or at public (and dimly lit) venues, what you see is not always what you get. And if you're anything like me, you're hella busy living your own life to text back someone you barely know immediately. See where this is going?

    It only took 12 hours of classes and work for my roommate to find out who this douche nugget was REALLY like:

    This is just another classic example of a damaged male attempting to defend his masculinity through threats, racial slurs, and sexist remarks on body images. As you can see, T did not expect this and was taken aback by the rude comments.

    Let's just break down everything that is wrong about these messages, shall we??

    1. Attacking the self-image of someone

    2. Attacking and judging someone's socioeconomic status

    3. Threatening to physically assault someone

    4. Using inappropriate racial slurs meant to dehumanize Chinese people

    5. Using God’s name in vain (if we are being SUPER petty)

    6. Again, “you'll be sorry” isn't exactly a sentiment in this context

    So what changed in 12 hours? Is making someone wait half a day due to a busy schedule really worth all this hate? And most importantly, is spewing such hate really due to fear of rejection?