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10 Signs You Might Be Divergent

Divergents do not fit any any one group. Divergents buck the system. Divergent, now playing in theaters and IMAX. Tickets on sale now.

1. You see solutions to problems that others can't.

2. You're friends with people in lots of different friend groups.

3. You easily understand viewpoints that don't reflect your own.

4. Your two best subjects in school were Literature and Gym.

5. Making decisions is hard, because your heart and your head are often in conflict.

6. You dance to the beat of your own drum.

7. You're able to conquer your fears.

8. You don't follow the rules.

9. You've always been good at expressing yourself.

10. People find you difficult to read.

In Divergent, society is split into five factions: bravery, honesty, intelligence, kindness, and selflessness. Divergents cannot be categorized. Divergents are a threat.

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