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18 Pixar Moments That Will Hit You In The Feels

Grab the tissues and get ready to ugly-cry. For even more feels, discover the unlikely friendship of Spot and Arlo in The Good Dinosaur, in cinemas Boxing Day.


1. When Buzz realises he can’t fly.

2. When Jessie relives how she was donated by her first owner, Emily.

3. When all the toys think they're going to be incinerated.

4. When Andy gives all his toys away.

5. When Flik gets banished from the colony.

6. When Nemo's mom, Coral, dies.

7. When Marlin leaves Dory behind.

8. When Doc Hudson reveals his backstory.

9. When Mr Incredible thinks his whole family has died.

10. When WALL-E can't remember Eve.

11. When you see Carl and Ellie's tragic love story unfold in the opening montage.

12. When Merida tells Elinor "I'll never be like you."

13. When Sulley and Mike have a fight in the Himalayas and Sulley leaves.

14. When Boo gets scared by Sulley's roar.

15. When Sulley says goodbye to Boo.

16. When Mike finds out Sulley rigged the final round of the Scare Games.

17. When Riley's imaginary friend Bing Bong is forgotten.

18. When Riley comes back home after running away.

Get ready for even more tearjerking moments. Come Boxing Day you can discover the unlikely friendship between Arlo and Spot in The Good Dinosaur.

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