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    Here's How Disney Hero Hercules Would Craft His Resume

    Let's time travel to Ancient Greece and see how the son of Zeus, Hercules, would tailor his resume to stand out among his fierce competition.

    From Zero to Hero, Just Like That!

    View this video on YouTube / Via Disney YouTube

    A Catchy Headline

    Back in ancient times, heroes were the stuff of legends. Stories of their greatness were passed down from generation to generation. It wasn’t often a hero became a legend overnight. But Hercules did! He went from being a nobody no one took seriously to an instant hero!

    Professional Summary

    Special Skills


    View this video on YouTube / Via DisneyDefinition

    Years of training with renowned hero trainer, Philoctetes.

    Glowing References

    Would you hire the hunky demigod Hercules based off of his resume and glowing references? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

    Is there a Disney hero or villain whose resume you'd like to see? Share your thoughts in the comments below and they just might get featured in a future article!