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    5 Employee Engagement Ideas Your HR Has Not Discovered Yet

    Because they are too busy counting leaves!

    Phew! It’s Monday again!

    Why do offices have to be so darn boring? Or wait, is it just your office that’s boring? I see offices where they replace coffee mugs with beer cans and then offices that go on super cool treasure hunts.

    Sounds absolutely other-worldly to me! Because all I have seen in my corporate life in the name of “employee engagement” are boring annual meetings and even boring dance competitions. Hell no, we ain’t 4th graders anymore!

    So, I took the liberty to dig some ‘super creative’ ideas myself and suggest them to the world and the HR department.

    1.Paint the wall

    Okay, I know this one requires a stone-heart. Not everyone is ready to leave their corporate walls at the disposal of self-proclaimed Van- Goghs. But hey, it would be so much fun. Get some acrylic colors and divide the teams randomly putting people from different departments together and assign a wall to each team. And begin, create a mess or a piece of art. Your wall, your call! Express yourself. You can’t do that at your home; you mom will kick you out. So, make the best of this opportunity.


    * Team building

    * Creative thinking

    * Effective communication

    * Sense of belongingness in employees

    2.Glass Art Workshop

    Facebook: video.php / Via Facebook

    Glass-making videos are pure dos! And now, you can do it yourself at Glass Art Workshops. I am sure your HR hasn’t thought of it yet. Here’s how it goes- You book a Corporate Workshop at a Glass Art studio. Currently, there’s only one such studio- Glass Sutra- offering Corporate Workshop programs in National Capital- Delhi. You get to experience glass making through Flamework or Hot Glassblowing with its Founder and an International Glass Artist, Reshmi Dey. You can take 10 -15 people along with you to the workshop. The feeling of creating your own piece of mesmerizing glass art and keeping it for life as a souvenir is unparalleled. Glass making boosts creative thinking, and ability to express thoughts and ideas. The Google India (MEGA)team and the LG Design team just had a experiential glass art workshop and that’s how these big employers manage to give major burns to aspiring employees. *Insert jealous interjection*


    * Team Building & Employee Engagement

    * Creative & Strategic Thinking

    * Decision-making & Leadership Modules

    * Stress & Conflict Management

    * Communication, Collaboration, & Change Management

    * Intercultural & Organization Cope Up Mechanism

    3.Lunch and Learn

    Thank you to @Ibm CMO @michelleapeluso for joining our @Bitly Lunch & Learn. Great business and life lessons.

    Twitter: @markjosephson / Via Twitter

    Make’em long for it!

    This Bitly blog post on “Lunch And Learn: Why We Do It And Why You Should Too” struck a chord with me. It’s a brilliant concept that Bitly has adopted. Basically, what they do is, they gather company-wide on every Wednesday, and one person presents about anything they are interested in- just anything. They learn and discuss topics ranging from a cause to a project in these short lunch meet-ups where lunch is ordered from a nearby restaurant.

    “It’s more than a weekly perk for us to look forward to, …At Bitly, our Lunch and Learns focus on one of the most important aspects of our company: the people.”
    -Team Bitly

    * Transparency and understanding

    * Community Building

    * Learning and growth

    * Engagement

    * Creative and strategic thinking

    * All-round development of employees

    4.A Special Day

    In spite of being quite a common phenomenon across borders, we still haven’t embraced “” concept. Okay, if you think your dog is a misbehaving munchkin, how about “Take your child to office?” A break from the monotony can be a great way to boost productivity and engage all the employees. A special day like this would also be a chance for you to communicate with each other and build a congenial work atmosphere.


    * Improved Productivity

    * Happier workplace

    * Stress release

    5.Spa at Office

    Aye! Count me in!

    Organizations these days have started hiring massage therapists on a monthly salary. How wonderful is that! A dedicated massage therapist can do wonders to an organization’s productivity, engagement, and employee retention scales. Convince your HR that your well-being is your company’s way to success. Spa at office is definitely my personal favorite employee engagement activity.


    * Improved Productivity

    * Happier workplace

    You got more ideas?

    Share them below and let’s make our work suck less!