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11 Ways To Grow Up Your Cleaning Habits

You’re officially a grown-up, so why not start cleaning like one? Prepare for everything adult life has in store — start by getting your credit score for free from Discover, even if you’re not a customer. *See credit scorecard info.

1. Let your sheets air out before making your bed in the morning.

2. And wash your sheets weekly.

3. Reminder: It's not enough to clean your pillowcases on a regular basis, you also have to clean your pillows.

4. Don't neglect your faucets and shower heads!

5. The best defense against bathroom mold is a strong offense.

6. Everything you touch needs to be disinfected on a regular basis.

7. Wash your washing machine!

8. Face your vents and fans.

9. Wash your kitchen sponges and rags — or risk getting sick.

10. Dissolve sticky kitchen dust with mineral oil.

11. Save money by becoming your own supplier!

Now that you’re ready to clean like a grown-up, prepare for everything else adult life has in store — start with getting your credit score for free from Discover, even if you’re not a customer. *See credit scorecard info.