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10 Lifetime Milestones That Changed Us For The Better

Here goes nothing! Brighten any moment with a delicious taste of Diet Coke. #GetATaste

1. When you made your first best friend.

2. When you moved to a new town as a kid.

3. When you started the ninth grade.

4. When you decided to change your major.

5. When you moved into your first apartment.

6. When you nailed the big interview for the first time.

7. When you had your first serious relationship.

8. When you decided to run a marathon.

9. When you finally landed the coveted promotion.

10. And when you decided that you actually wanted to have kids and start a family.

One of the biggest decisions you can make during your entire lifetime. It definitely won't be easy, but love will get you through the tough times.

The first time you had a Diet Coke.