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    What April Will Be Like According To April Ludgate

    March has been weird, to say the least, but the question now is, what will April be like? So let's take our best guess based on April Ludgate.

    Who knows what April will do... hopefully behave!

    Things might get a little dark!

    Isolation might make us a bit selfish...

    We'll get really good at shutting people out for our own health!

    We'll have to resist the urge to break isolation...

    It will be hard to make new friends for awhile...

    We might even forget how to socialise...

    We'll all start reacting like this to human contact!

    We'll get closer to our pets in isolation...

    We'll be watching old TV shows ...

    And we're going to have to expand the list of things we consider activities...

    We'll find new ways to entertain ourselves...

    You could try poetry...

    Just make sure they're not too weird... or dark!

    Now that 'I don't have the time' is no longer an excuse we'll have to find more legitmate excuses for why we don't 'better ourselves'.

    Maybe you will better yourself, maybe learn a language!

    We'll be stuck with whoever we're sleeping with for awhile...

    We'll have to resist our inner alcoholics during the boredom...

    We'll get good at knowing where to get supplies...

    And we'll learn to resist taking more than we need!

    We might start to lose our grip on reality...

    And get a little weird...

    But remember this is all temporary... and we will wake up!

    There are still things to be grateful for though!

    We won't have to spend time with annoying coworkers!

    We'll take advantage of opportunities on the other side...

    We'll learn to take care of our health!

    We'll all become more resilient and more comfortable in our own company!

    We're gonna really appreciate hugs in the future!

    From some people...

    Just remember, don't panic, don't panic buy, stay inside and wash your hands and we'll all be fine!

    And ask for help when you need it!

    We don't really know what April will do, so just be prepared for anything!