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18 Secrets To Hosting The Most Instagrammable Holiday Party Ever

Most important part’s good company, but here’s the rest. And don’t forget the bottle of Dewar’s 12!

1. Start with soft lighting.

2. Candles will definitely help do the trick.

3. And a string of lights will do wonders on...

4. ...or off the tree!

5. Take a couple pictures during group photos so you can easily find one where no one's blinking.

6. While candid shots look great and rarely need double-checking.

7. And perfectly staged photos help tell a story.

8. Food shots work better with less...

9. ...or as much as possible.

10. But no one wants to see dirty dishes.

11. Tilt-shift is definitely your friend!

12. And not just for food photos.

13. Bring the saturation up when editing. Gives everything an "earthy" feel.

14. Wood tables are good. Items arranged on wood tables is even better.

15. Add a little color to centerpieces with pine branches.

16. Or holly boughs!

17. You also need some mason jars.

18. Finally, get a nice shaker — both for spicing up your photos and your drinks.

You can't go wrong or get more into the holiday spirit with a photo of a toast. But more importantly, no holiday party would be complete without a bottle of Dewar's 12.