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'American Sniper' Actor Bradley Cooper Loses His Sh!t

'American Sniper' actor Bradley Cooper has been secretly tormented by the Razzie Award he won for 'All About Steve' 5 years ago. Now he's about to lose his shit!

Spoof Troupe 9 years ago

FBI Captures Suspect In Sony Hacking

The FBI has captured their first suspect in the Sony Pictures hacking case! This is that interrogation.

Spoof Troupe 9 years ago

1960's Dating Tips For Guys

Was dating easier in the 60s? This sketch comedy video is based on real dating tips from the 1960's.

Spoof Troupe 9 years ago

Star Trek Spoof On VINE

A scene from #ParodyMovie which spoofs #StarTrek

Spoof Troupe 9 years ago

E.T. Spoof On VINE

A spoof of the movie E.T. Scene from #ParodyMovie #ET #spoof

Spoof Troupe 9 years ago

SNEAK PEEK: New 'Walking Dead' Spinoff Trailer

THE WALKING DEAD has been such a success for AMC that today, the cable network announced they are releasing a spinoff in the near future! Here is the trailer!

Spoof Troupe 9 years ago

Top 9 Ice Bucket Challenge Spoof Videos!

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has swept the nation with countless people making their own Ice Bucket Challenge videos. But there are also some hilarious people spoofing the people making the videos. Here is a rundown of the Top 9 Ice Bucket Challenge Spoof Videos!

Spoof Troupe 9 years ago

10 Best Spoof Troupe Sketches, No. 3 Is Hilarious!

Spoof Troupe is a sketch comedy troupe based out of Los Angeles, California and they spoof EVERYTHING! Spoof Troupe has produced dozens of sketch comedy videos and posted them online for the World to see, on website like Youtube, FunnyorDie, and several others. Today we count down a list of the top 10 Spoof Troupe sketches!

Spoof Troupe 9 years ago

DAVID LAUTMAN Cast Interview, Spoof Troupe

David was first introduced to Theatre by his dad, an actor who starred in the original Broadway production of HAIR (1970-1974). David has appeared in several plays himself, including the critically acclaimed "Pulp Shakespeare". David has also appeared in Film, TV and Commercials, starring in the Horror film 'Live-In Fear' and in the XBOX video game commercial for "Ghost Recon Future Soldier."

Spoof Troupe 9 years ago

FedEx Shooter Angry About Small Package

Authorities have discovered a possible motive for why a Georgia teenager opened fire on his co-workers at a FedEx warehouse on Tuesday.

Spoof Troupe 10 years ago