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If You Are A Woman Who Broke Into A Tech Career, Tell Us About Your Experience

We want to learn all about it.

It's always inspiring and insightful to hear about the career journey of someone who's found the profession that's right for them.

A woman smiles while leaning against her office desk

To all of the women who have broken into the technology industry, we want to hear how you chose to pursue this career and what the experience has been like for you.

A woman sits at her desk and works on her laptop

What first made you interested in tech? What do you enjoy most about what you do?

A woman rests her chin in her hand while she look at her computer screen at work

Have you been part of a supportive work environment in a field that's traditionally male-dominated?

Two men and a woman look at a laptop together in their office's conference room

Did you start as a tech professional from the get-go, or did you first try out another career field, then realized technology was a better fit?

A woman sits by two coworkers and listens during a professional group meeting

And what advice would you give to other women who want to get involved in the industry?

Two women share a discussion at work

Women who have decided to go after a career in tech, we're all ears and want to hear your stories of breaking into this field. Please share your thoughts below, and you could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post.