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Share The First Date "Red Flags" That Indicate Your Potential Partner Is Definitely Not The One

First dates are tough, but red flags make things 100 percent worse.

During a first date, you can likely feel out whether or not the person you’re getting together with has healthy relationship tendencies, especially if red flags of theirs quickly come to the surface.

That's why we want to know the first-date warning signs or "red flags" that tell you the romance is not meant to be.

A man looks dissatisfied with his date while the two sit and talk at a cafe

For instance, when a date spends the whole time talking about how all of their exes are totally "wild" throughout your initial meeting, that can be an indicator that they’re not the one.

A woman looks bored and frustrated as she sits on a park bench with a date

Or maybe your first date was treating the wait staff poorly was one negative quality, which shows that you shouldn’t see them past your earliest date.

A woman yells at the wait staff in a restaurant from her table

Or finally, an obvious red flag is not respecting boundaries, such as your potential partner being overly affectionate on the first date when you're clearly not into the idea.

A woman rejects a kiss from a man

What first date red flags signal to you that things are just not going to work out? Tell us your response below, or if you'd rather stay anonymous, feel free to fill out this Google form here. Your comment could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.