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    As The Weather Is Still As Cold As Ever, Here Are Some Beauty Products That Won’t Dry Your Skin Out This Season

    As someone with dry skin, let me help you out.

    1. This hyaluronic acid serum from The Inkey List is a game changer during the winter.

    2. For any major dry skin sufferers, this Oilatum cream helps to really lock the moisture into your skin.

    3. Dry lips are a big struggle during this time of year, which is why this Dr. Lipp balm is a true saviour.

    4. If you want that hydrated and glowy skin look (even in February), this Simple hydrating gel is a good choice.

    5. Give a little hint of colour to your face with these natural skin pigments.

    6. Refresh your skin throughout the day with this hydrating coconut mist.

    7. If you're on the hunt for a concealer that doesn't feel drying on the skin, let me introduce you to this e.l.f. one which is about to become your new obsession.

    8. Looking for an all-in-one skincare product? This Garnier jelly is perfect if you're looking for something hydrating that isn't too heavy on the skin.

    9. Speaking of multipurpose products, if you're on the hunt for a foundation, concealer, and skincare serum all in one tube, try out this IT cosmetics CC cream.

    10. Organic coconut oil is one of my holy grails during this season, as it can be used pretty much anywhere on the body and is completely natural.