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    5 Reasons Ireland Is A Hot Topic, Insight From Anthony Monaghan

    Director Anthony Monaghan explains

    My Ireland director discusses social injustices that affect the Irish

    Protests, homelessness, mass-evictions, the Yellow Vest Movement are just a few of the by-products of the social inequities that plague modern day Ireland.

    Director Anthony Monaghan discusses some of the issues revolving around the current turmoil in Ireland

    Lets talk about My Ireland

    Is there an on-going crisis in Ireland that people may not be aware of?

    Why do you think homelessness is so prominent in a country that’s plentiful in resources and wealthy?

    Why do you feel like mass evictions are happening at such an enormous rate?

    What do you feel like is a viable solution to the issues at hand?

    View this video on YouTube

    "We have a great work force there, so it shouldn’t be an issue over time. When you break up a culture, you weaken the people. Over a period of time, the government broke up and weakened the people of Ireland. People are being weakened by what’s being displayed on the news"

    "In the same respect, we contributed to the issue at hand. We elected the people in office that make these decisions. It’s easy to point the finger at the 3-4 people at the top, but we were all on that gravy-train too at one point"

    "There has to be a standard, we have to understand what’s going on around us and be accountable"