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11 Awkward Moments That Everybody Goes Through

Oh, don't you hate that unsettling feeling of having an awkward moment? You feel apologetic and embarrassed at the same time. It's the worst! We at Dentyne know that awkward moments happen to everyone, so why not share the stories? Can you relate?

1. That awkward moment when somebody with really bad breath talks to you.

2. When you are talking to someone, and you realize they are right behind you.

3. When you wave to someone, and they don't wave back

4. When you don't remember someone's name, so you try to avoid introducing them to your friend

5. When someone asks "What's up?" and you reply "Good."

6. When you accidentally call your teacher "Mom."

7. When you sing happy birthday to someone but don't know their name, so you just mumble that part.

8. When you ask a lady when she's due, but she's not pregnant.

9. That moment when you sneeze into your hand and snot comes out

10. When you choke on your own spit

11. When somebody's joke is ruined by bad breath.