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Inanimate Objects With Faces Continues To Be The Best Thing Ever

You're not the only one with feelings around here.

1. This bin has seen some things:

2. This menu holder might take a bite out of you:

3. This sink hasn't been crying… Someone was cutting onions, OK?!:

4. Beware the gaping maw of the creature that lurks beneath:

5. This seat unit looks like a friendly little dude...:

6. You'd almost feel guilty twisting this guy's nose:

7. This train nobble is horrified by the things he's seen on the last train home:

8. The Phantom of the Gloss Paint just wants you to kill him now:

9. This chair is daring you to take a seat… Go on… Try it:

10. This sink has seen some terrible things:

11. Hungry oil burner is hungry:

12. This coffee cup is wondering if that counted as you two kissing...:

13. This little suitcase is thinking about that lovely trip you took to Paris in the springtime:

14. This potato has his eyes on you:

15. This chocolate-covered pretzel has a face only a mother could love:

16. These little scales are happy to do their duty:

17. This little thingamajig is pleased to see you.

18. This chair had a sweaty bum on it for three hours, and now he wants to vom:

19. This seatback is ponderous:

20. This little box has seen some things:

21. This dark tunnel just wants you to crawl down its gullet, and it's all totally legit:

22. This house is kinda shocked about what's happening in the neighbours' front room:

Find out more about Dentyl Active, and make your mouth happy and your sink sorry!