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For Everyone Who Loved Benita On "Play School"

Australia, bow down to the true queen of TV.

Everyone who grew up in the '80s and '90s knows there was one queen of TV. Her name was Benita.

She ruled the screens of Play School for over 30 years and more than 400 episodes!

Why was Benita so damn good? Because she was a problem solver.

She taught you life skills like no one else.

And her animal impressions were a thing of beauty.

Her dancing was ahead of its time.

Her fashion was on point.

And she had the best goddamn hair on set.

Benita also had a giant heart of gold and made time for all her friends.

No matter how big or small.

So hands up all those who think Benita is the bee's knees.

Thank you Benita. You always made me want to be a better person.