These People Just Challenged The "Beach Body" Stereotype And Looked Damn Good

    "If I have a body, and it’s at the beach…it’s a beach body."

    Summertime is officially here, and with all of these ads and commercials perpetuating what a "beach body" should look like, it's hard to not be insecure. So Daysha, Kane, and I decided to fight against that stereotype — and we slayed. *hair flips*

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    It's time to address this "beach body" term and what the hell it actually means.

    The media tends to suggest only one kind of body can be considered a "beach body."

    So Daysha had Kane and I team up to address our body insecurities because...well, why the hell not?

    It was my first time really addressing my insecurities. I was taught to always love my body, but always found it challenging with the way media exploits and fetishizes women's bodies, specifically women of color.

    Kane's insecurities also come from the lack of diversity he sees in the media, specifically in the gay community portrayed on TV and film.

    So, with Daysha's help and our amazing photographer, Christophe, Kane and I did a photo shoot to get over these insecurities.

    Our preparation was pretty simple: eating a lot of tacos and cake...

    ...challenging ourselves to get out of our comfort zones to slay...

    ...and looking up different ways to pose on the beach, which turned out not to be a very good idea.

    Kane was up first. He admitted that he was nervous, as it was his first time shirtless at the beach in a long time.

    After a while, Kane got into it and became "one with the elements" and realized how hot he was.

    Watching him totally boosted my confidence. I was still nervous, though, and hoped to get out of my head and enjoy the experience.

    With Daysha, Christophe, and the rest of the crew cheering us both on, Kane and I did it, and we killed the entire game.


    ...really, really...

    ...killed it.

    💅 💅 💅

    After seeing the photos, we realized we had "beach bodies."

    Because if you go to the have a beach body.

    So slay, slay, slay, no matter what you look like.