Taking Boudoir Photos Helped This Woman Love Her Body At Any Size

    Christina was right: You are beautiful, in every single way.

    Daysha, like many of us, struggled with learning to love her body. So she decided to hire a boudoir photographer to see if it would alter her body confidence and remind her that she's fierce as fuq:

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    BuzzFeedYellow / Via youtube.com

    Daysha realized that she had gained some weight and found herself judging her beauty based on it.

    She also realized that she didn't truly trust the way she viewed her own body. So she decided to try out boudoir photography.

    Her photographer was Christophe McWhorter. He explained that he enjoys shooting this style of photography because "you get to see people out of their comfort zone but owning what's around them."

    Daysha was a little worried at first (I would have been freakin' out too!) and she had a few goofy moments at the beginning when she was still shaking out those nerves!

    But then, Christophe began showing her the pictures in between shots, and she started realizing that, actually, SHE IS HOT AS FOOK.

    It was hard for Daysha to believe that the woman in the photos was her.

    It made her realize how easy it is for people to be negative about themselves, and that she had spent most of her life thinking her beauty was dictated by her physical weight.

    Daysha decided that she would now view her health as "being together both mentally and physically" and that she would not put herself down because of her size.

    And, because girl is honest, she recognized that there will be days when she still judges her value based on her body. BUT she now has these pics to look at and remind herself that she is worthy...


    ...and fierce. At ANY size.