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13 Insanely Simple Cleaning Hacks That Will Change Your Life

Chores just got a whole lot easier.

1. To get clean windows without streaks, use newspaper instead of rags or paper towels.

Though you might want to wear rubber gloves so your hands don't get ink on them. (Don't worry, the ink won't transfer to the window surfaces.)

2. Make your silver sparkle with toothpaste.

3. Rubbing a walnut on wood surfaces can help get rid of scratches.

4. Polish furniture using coconut oil.

Like with the walnut, wood will absorb the natural oil. Plus, it leaves behind a gorgeous, shiny finish.

5. Use liquid dish soap to spot clean grease stains.

Or as a pre-treater on set stains before throwing clothes in the wash.

6. Or to shine up your hubcaps.

7. Speaking of dish soap, wash blenders by adding a few drops to warm water in the blender. Then blend.

Boom. Clean.

8. Cover stinky messes with coffee grounds, then vacuum or clean up as you normally would.

9. Pour a mixture of vinegar and baking soda down the drain to de-funk your sink.

10. Use a razor to grab annoying lint balls off clothes.

Tape also works as a makeshift lint roller in a pinch.

11. Clean red wine with seltzer or club soda.

If you have some salt handy, pour it on a fresh red-wine spill. The salt will start absorbing immediately.

12. Add tennis balls (or an empty laundry detergent container) to your dryer.

13. Pick up pieces of glass with a slice of bread.

The pores in the bread make room for the shards, so the broken pieces stick to the bread instead of the floor (or you). Pro tip: Wear rubber gloves to be extra safe.

With Dawn dishwashing liquid, you'll be more than ready to fight life's messiest moments.

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That's because Dawn can handle more than just dirty dishes. Kitchen surfaces, tires, tools — Dawn is built for tackling all kinds of messes.