Here's What Kids All Over The World Eat Every Week, According To This Photography Project

    In the Daily Bread project, photographer Gregg Segal showcases how international diets vary around the world.

    While the rest of us are busy 'gramming our daily latte, photographer Gregg Segal has been traveling the world and documenting what kids from all over the globe eat every week as part of his Daily Bread project.

    Subjects of Segal's Daily Bread project include Kawakanih, one of the few young native speakers of the Arawaki language living in Brazil...

    A young girl named Sira, from Dakar, Senegal...

    A young boy named Soulay from Nice, France...

    Ademilson, who traveled from a Brazilian village of just 200 families for the photo shoot...

    As well as Segal's own son, Hank:

    In a recent interview with the Brazilian newspaper Folha de S.Paulo, Segal talked about how he began the project as a way to examine the increasing globalization of Western junk food, especially as it relates to fast food, sweets, and processed foods.

    And on his website, Segal explains his decision to focus on photographing kids' diets, out of the belief that eating habits formed in childhood last a lifetime.

    "I've been encouraged to find regions and communities where slow food will never be displaced by junk food, where home cooked meals are the bedrock of family and culture, where love and pride are sensed in the aromas of broths, stews and curries," he explains on his site.

    To create each photo, Segal travels around the world and asks each photo subject to keep a food journal for a week leading up to shooting the portrait.

    One of Segal's aims for the project is to raise awareness about the way fast-food companies have begun to invest abroad — leading to a cultural sea change where "Big Macs aren’t junk – they’re a status symbol."

    Intrigued? You can find more photos and background about the Daily Bread project here.

    This post was translated from Portuguese.