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    Wondering If This Has Happened To Others

    An artist from Canada posted a special 30th birthday commemorative project on a popular forum and they removed it with a very insulting message, potentially offending many artists worldwide.

    This is the rejected artist

    This was the response to her from the moderator

    And this is the piece in question

    What about the other digital artists and cartoonists?

    We'd really love some comments from other artists who have experienced something similar - having your work removed because it wasn't 'good enough' for the internet art world. Who is this particular moderator to decide what is and isn't art? Shouldn't that be for the viewers to decide? And besides, people in the art world knows it comes in all shapes, sizes and styles. So if you've gotten similar treatment from any forum moderator, please stand in solidarity with your fellow artists, and comment here. Together, we can make a positive difference in how artists from all walks of life get treated.