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    Millennial Insight

    Comfortable vs Courageous

    Personally, I've never been a big fan of change, so naturally I avoid it like the plague.

    I've been blessed with the same job for almost 4 years now, and I know for some that doesn't seem like a long time; but for someone my age, It seems like an eternity. Within that time I was awarded with financial freedom, stability, and a sense of family in the workplace. Don't get me wrong, no one wants to work... but when you get to be in a fast paced environment where what you do actually MATTERS; it makes things worth while.

    During the past 4 years my overall roles and responsibilities haven't changed (Thankfully) but there was a time about 2 years ago where I was faced with a decision.

    One that could pay off real big or could quite possibly fail miserably. As much as I love a challenge, I was very concerned about the uncertainty it would bring. Against my better judgement, I left my comforting stability and took a leap into uncharted waters and gained a new title of "Entrepreneur."

    Perhaps it's society always pointing people into the direction of being a salaried employee with benefits, paid vacation and a pension.

    As if that was the only right way to go about your career. Maybe because it's the path of least resistance, or possibly people over time become complacent. Entrepreneurship is a wonderful thing, it gives people the opportunity to grow. Grow a business, grow a future, grow an empire. Can you imagine if Sam Walton never left his employee position at JC Penny? We wouldn't have any Walmart's!

    Could it be that my employer at the time had more faith in me than I did myself?

    Since I made the change, I have gained the ability to work when I want and where I want. (WiFi permitting of course) Without taking the plunge I probably would have never been able reach a sales goal of 2.4 MILLION dollars of freight spend in one year. (To put that in perspective, usually a single person can only handle about 1m.)

    Do I take the path of least resistance? Or maybe I should stay because I haven't let myself down yet, and after all this time I finally see my true potential...

    Fast forward 2 years, (still rocking out the Entrepreneur lifestyle) and I was asked about turning a new leaf and going back to the way things were. What do I do? and why do I all of a sudden feel the same way I did 2 years ago but ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE! Do I listen to corporate America telling me I should take it?

    People often are so concerned with what could go wrong in a situation they often forget to think about what all could go RIGHT!

    Maybe it's me being stubborn, or maybe it's my distaste for change, OR MAYBE JUST MAYBE it's because I'm a millennial. Long story short, You gotta risk it to get the biscuit.