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    Breaking The Cycle

    It is normally safe to say that the apple usually does not fall far from the tree, and in some cases that is not the worst thing in the world that could happen.

    While in other circumstances sometimes the tree from which you fell is toxic. At this point you can either A, remain in the shadow of its toxicity or B, you get lucky and that tree just so happened to be on a hill, giving you the chance to roll far away.

    Now if you are an apple that came from a strong and flourishing tree, this is not the post for you. However, if you are an apple just trying to get some sunshine, or maybe you are the kind of apple that does not believe it could ever escape the vicious chain; then this is something you should continue reading.

    I met a man who had suffered from an unstable childhood, multiple marriages, abusive relationships, alcoholism are just a few of the hardships that were encountered.

    Sadly, all of this negativity was the only thing he was ever exposed too, causing him to start having the same mannerisms. Instead of rising above the adversities, he stumbled into his own drinking problems and became the abuser slowly pushing towards the demise of his own marriage. Unfortunately he was the apple that stuck close the unhealthy tree, which caused history to repeat itself.

    To a teenager drinking alcohol is probably the "coolest" thing to do, the world today glamorizes getting drunk and downplays the reality of what it really does to not only yourself but everyone around you.

    When everyone finally reaches that magical number 21 it's on like Donkey Kong, and then you're sadly woken up the next day by the throbbing in your head and you're asking yourself "What happened after that last tequila shot?" Finally you realize it's not all sunshine and rainbows, and you need to learn your limits. It's a shame some people never learn their point of no return or choose never listen to the little voice inside their head saying "Stop, you've gone too far." Instead it's left to fate to see if they make it home safely or not. Sometimes it's not even alcohol that causes these issues, often times it's even bullying. Statistics say that if you get bullied, you are more likely to become one yourself.

    On the other hand, being an apple that fell from a harmful tree, I pushed away.

    I did not want to remain stagnant in a wheel of misfortune. Maybe its stubbornness, or being hard headed, call it what you want but I was determined on rolling away. Sure, sometimes we may not understand how to handle a situation appropriately because we were not shown the right way to go about it; but you at least should be able to recognize what will happen should you choose to make the same wrong decisions as your tree preceded too.

    It is foolish to think you can do the same thing over and over again and expect different results.

    I was lucky enough to learn this lesson early in life, and upset to announce that some people go their whole lives without ever grasping the concept. I urge you to break the cycle, do not be subjected to the mistakes that others have made, instead learn from them.