Twitter Users Declare The Washington Redskins' Latest PR Stunt A Disaster

    Team owner Daniel Snyder wrote that he believes "even more firmly now" in the team's name. The backlash against the NFL franchise continues.

    On Tuesday night, Daniel Snyder — owner of Washington's NFL franchise — posted a letter to fans announcing the formation of a foundation to serve Native American communities across the U.S.

    But Snyder — who rarely speaks publicly — also used the letter to say that he believes "even more firmly now" in the team's nickname.

    Twitter exploded with a mix of anger, frustration, and general bewilderment at the letter.

    Statements about honoring Native Americans "through our words and on the field" rung hollow against his defense of the team's nickname. And the use of the phrase "Original Americans" struck many as confusing.

    These tweets seemed to sum up the public consensus about the letter — and Snyder himself.


    Every time I get an email with the subject line "A Letter from Dan Snyder" I should just start making popcorn.


    It's 2014 and Redskins owner Dan Snyder has just learned that many Native Americans live very difficult lives.


    Dan Snyder wants to know how much money it'll take for you to let him be racist


    Dan Snyder: "Would a racist help buy a backhoe?"


    Dan Snyder is exploiting our pain and our poverty. Buying our silence. That's beyond effed up. #NotYourMascot


    In his year of "listening" to Native Americans somehow Dan Snyder's Merry band missed every last tribal council that's called for change.


    "Some of my best friends are Original Americans." — Dan Snyder


    Weird that Snyder uses "Original Americans" instead of the popular term of respect, "redskins."


    "...honoring the deep and enduring values our name represents..." Oh.


    Waiting for an email from the @redskins team shop telling me I can root for the team w/o being racist by buying an Original Americans hoodie


    Snyder is that boss that you try to tell him something he wants to do is a disaster but he won't listen. Then he later still blames you.


    Dan Snyder makes Jerry Jones look like a decent human
