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Parents, Tell Me The Things You're Doing For Your Children That You Wish Your Parents Had Done For You

We're breaking generational curses over here!

If I'm being honest, I haven't met anyone yet whose parents, in some way, haven't messed them up at least a tiny bit. And as much as it sucks, us children are the ones who have to pick up the pieces as we grow into adulthood, and it becomes a responsibility whether or not we pass our parental baggage down to our own children.

teen saying, everybody's parents suck. welcome to reality

Even though it can be extremely difficult to break the cycle, it most certainly can be done. That said, parents, I want to know what you teach or do for your kids that your parents never did for you, or that you wish they did for you.

woman saying, i mean we are killing it as parents

Maybe your parents never showed up for you, so you make sure you attend all of your kids' events, shows, games, and everything in between. Not only do you show up, but you make sure your kids know you're excited, engaged, and completely supportive.

parents in a crowd

Maybe your parents never taught you how to properly express emotions because they weren't taught how to themselves, so you try to teach your kids the importance of communicating and creating healthy boundaries.

mother and daughter

Maybe you never had home-cooked meals growing up, so you prioritize having family dinners and spending time at the dinner table.

cartoon son looking up at his parent from the dinner table

Or maybe you never had the opportunity to really enjoy your childhood, so you try your best to play with your kids and bring them to the park, theme parks, arcades, and other awesome places where they can just enjoy being a kid.

parent and adult son on a roller coaster

Whatever it may be, if you make the effort to teach or do something for your children that your parents weren't able to provide for you, I wanna know. And don't be afraid to get into detail! Let me know in the comments or in this Google form for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!