"Time Is An Illusion": 29 People Are Sharing The Tiny Yet Impactful Reminders That They're Getting Older, And Some Of These Might Make You Hyper Aware

    "When you need to start googling words and slang people are using because you're out of touch with the times. When I was in high school, older people didn't know what 'LOL' or 'xD' meant. Now I'm the older people."

    Signs of aging can come in many forms, and I think we can all collectively agree that excessive back pain for seemingly no reason is one of them. But when redditor u/Levnorn asked the people of r/AskReddit to share some of the more subtle reminders of aging, there were more than I thought. Here are some of the more low-key signs that made people hyper-aware that they were getting older:

    1. "When the trendy clothes from your teen years come back in style. Seeing '90s fashion come back was quite surreal."

    Two teenage girls are wearing outfits from the late 90s

    2. "When you're watching a family sitcom and realize that you agree with the parents more than the kids, and that what the kids are doing is actually stupid and reckless behavior."

    Danny and Stephanie from "Full House" are hugging

    3. "When the music you used to party to starts playing in an elevator."

    A man is listening to his headphones inside of an elevator

    4. "When you realize just how far you have to scroll to find your birth year in a drop-down menu."


    5. "When people say you were born in the 1900s."

    A woman is doing work on a retro computer

    6. "I had a young person give me a senior discount at a museum. Mind you, I'm in my 30s. Like, really? Thank you for the savings, but I don't know if my ego will recover from that hit."


    7. "When kids start calling you miss, ma'am, or sir."

    A young kid and a teacher are shaking hands in front of a school bus

    8. "I did a hit from a bong and threw out my back from coughing. That's when I knew."


    9. "I stopped drinking and partying. Nowadays, I love quiet evenings with jazz playing in the background. I'm only 31, but the partying lifestyle got old REAL quick."


    10. "Your joints sound like popcorn in the microwave every time you move."

    A woman is struggling with neck pain at her desk

    11. "You make 'getting up' and 'sitting down' noises. Also, the degree to which you allow gravity to help you couch-plop."


    12. "Not being able to handle too much sugar or eat lots of candy anymore."


    13. "Realizing the kids and babies you once knew are now old. That trips me up all the time since I don't see people often. The last time I saw one of my cousins was when he was, like, 8 years old. That was 25 years ago."

    A woman is talking with her nephew

    14. "When you need to start googling words and slang people are using because you're out of touch with the times. When I was in high school, older people didn't know what 'LOL' or 'xD' meant. Now I'm the older people."


    15. "When famous people advertise on TV, I have no idea who they are, and often times, I don't know what products they're selling, either."

    Addison Rae is in a Samsung commercial

    16. "Finding the smoothness of younger people's faces off-putting. Not ugly, but in a way that turns on your parental instincts. To me, a smooth face means that you're young; therefore, I must protect you."


    17. "I'm a middle-aged man, and a while back, I went to the grocery store. The girl working the checkout counter looked like she was in her late teens, and she was wearing a Smashing Pumpkins shirt with the classic design. I said, 'Hey, I like your shirt.' She replied, 'Oh, thanks. It's a band called Smashing Pumpkins. Super old. They're from the '90s.' I felt the vein in my forehead throb."

    The Smashing Pumpkins are performing live

    18. "I was driving by a bar on a chilly Friday or Saturday night, and some people were outside smoking. One of them was an attractive college-aged girl wearing thin clothes, and my immediate reaction when I saw her was, 'She should be wearing a jacket! It's cold!'"


    19. "The increasing amount of ear and nose hair. I pull some out every day. You'd think it would only have to be done once a week or so. I literally don't know where it all comes from."

    A man is plucking at his nose hairs

    20. "The frequent heartburn or acid reflux. Nothing good sits well anymore, and I hate it!"


    21. "My nephew started to get me things without me even asking. He'd be like, 'Hey, Uncle, why don't you sit down and let me get you your drink.' I was fine with him getting me a drink and charging my phone and all that, but one time I was going downstairs, and he waited at the bottom for me, stretching out his hand like I needed help coming down. I was like, 'You're 14, and I'm 32. Why are you acting like I need to move into a care facility?!'"

    A child is shaving his grandpa's head

    22. "Going out on a Friday or Saturday night feels more like a hassle than fun."


    23. "I can't see the prompts on debit card readers anymore. It's all a blur. I had to upgrade my readers so I could see well enough to even tie a fishing line. One time, I was trying to read if a can of tuna was packed in oil or water, and I had to hand it to someone else to make sure I got the one I wanted."

    A crowd of people are walking and the photo is blurry

    24. "When you see one of your favorite childhood actors or singers in a recent photo and notice how old they've become."


    25. "I've gotten a beer and a glass of wine before and wasn't carded, but the other day, I bought three four-packs of IPAs that had a 9% alcohol content and wasn't carded. That hit different."

    McLovin's ID from "Superbad" is being shown

    26. "Hangovers are easier to come by and harder to bounce back from."


    27. "My hair doesn't feel or style like it used to."

    A woman is combing through her hair

    28. "All of your favorite bands have retired. One of mine just played their last concert, and I wasn't even able to go. It's so sad realizing that the people you watched and admired growing up also aged, too."


    29. And finally: "When you start realizing that the things your brain thought happened 'only a few years ago' actually means decades ago. For example, 9/11 seemed like it was about 10 years ago, but nope — it has been a lot longer. Time is an illusion."

    Sand is running down an hourglass

    Time is definitely an illusion because every time I meet someone who says they're born in, like, 2003, I just assume that they are 13. But nope, that is definitely a whole 20-year-old. What are some things that subtly remind you that you're getting older? What are some not-so-subtle things? Let me know in the comments!