People Born In The '90s Are Giving Eye-Opening Advice To Gen Z'ers, And I Definitely Needed To Hear Some Of These

    "Choose a life before it chooses you."

    Being in your early 20s (in your 20s in general, really) can be a whirlwind of a time. I'm 25, and seeing everyone around my age living completely different lives (traveling, getting married, having kids, going to jail, etc.) just boggles my silly little brain. I personally feel like your 20s is a very transformative period of time, and sometimes it doesn't hurt to get a little bit of help navigating through that. So when redditor u/Ok-Trifle-1844 asked people over 30 to give those in their early 20s and younger advice, I was definitely all ears. Here are the most helpful, wisest, and just straight-up eye-opening responses:

    1. "If you wouldn't ask for advice from someone, don't take criticism from them, either. Their opinion doesn't matter."

    Two adults are conversing with one another

    2. "Indulge in your hobbies — it's so fulfilling and gratifying. Oh, you like sketching, painting, crocheting, and pottery? DO IT. Hobbies nurture the soul and feed the spirit. It it makes you happy, keep at it. You don't need to make a career out of it or make a profit from it. If it makes you happy, then why stop?"


    3. "Learn how to cook. No one's asking you to be a top chef, but cooking is a great life skill to have, and it's way cheaper and healthier than eating out all the time."

    A woman is slicing vegetables

    4. "If you feel like college isn't for you, or if you have no idea what you want to do, you can make a very respectable living and have far more job security if you learn a trade. The world will ALWAYS need electricians, carpenters, plumbers, etc. When I was growing up, college was pushed on us so hard that learning a trade was equivalent to being a failure. Buying into that mentality is something I will always regret."

    A man is wearing goggles and operating machinery

    5. "Don't keep toxic people in your life just because you have good memories with them. Friendship is a two-way street — it's a mutual giving. If this person tears you down, makes jokes at your expense, and doesn't contact you unless they want or need something, get rid of them. I had so many toxic friends in my early 20s that took me way too long to get rid of."


    6. "Take care of your teeth. Go to your dentist appointments, floss, invest in a good toothbrush — you won't regret it when you're older."

    A woman is at the dentist

    7. "This applies for everyone, but for men, especially: Don't be afraid to seek help if you're struggling with your mental health. Male suicide rates remain shamefully high, and you don't deserve to be part of that statistic. Also, no matter how embarrassing you may find it, if you have medical concerns about your dick, balls, or prostate, then go see a doctor."


    8. "Don't try and be the person that everybody likes. Not everybody is going to like you, and that's just something you have to deal with. The faster you realize that some people are just assholes, the faster you realize that you shouldn't give a shit."


    9. "Take care of your body. You'll be shocked at how much your body starts falling apart the more you age — I know I was. So, exercise if you're able, and be mindful of the things you eat."

    A swimmer is doing laps in a pool

    10. "Don't get married yet. In your early 20s, you have no idea who you actually are and what's really important to you. Give yourself some time to come into yourself."


    11. "Build your credit as soon as possible, and be responsible with it. Having bad credit will fuck you endlessly, and it's hard to get out of the 'bad credit pit.' Where you live, what you drive, what happens if you have an emergency — that will all be defined by your credit."

    A person is putting a coin into a piggy bank

    12. "The entire economy is set up to abuse you in every way that it can. Learn how to be financially literate and plan EARLY, OFTEN, and CONSISTENTLY."


    13. "Take every opportunity to spend time with your friends. All of my groomsmen and I have been buddies since high school or before, and nowadays, I only get to see them during holidays or if we randomly run into each other. We're all married, and some of us have kids. We still get to hop on a game with each other maybe one night a week, but that's a far cry from how close-knit we were before we hit our 30s. Transitioning from your 20s into your 30s is such a wild lifestyle change. Before, I was never required to be anywhere, go to events, or take on projects for the house. Don't get me wrong, I am loving this chapter of my life for different reasons, but I do miss the excess spontaneity and freedom of my 20s."

    A group of friends are hanging out and giving each other piggyback rides

    14. "If you work has a 401K, put in, at minimum, as much as they match (if they match). Even if they don't, open that personal Roth IRA and put in what you can. Even putting in $100 a year will add up dramatically — hell, even $50 a year will make a difference. Also, try really hard not to cash it out. Life happens, but if you can just leave it and let it sit, it will pay dividends later."


    15. "Don't rush growing up. Enjoy the body that you're in, keep living with your parents if you're comfortable, and enjoy the experiences that come with just being young."

    A woman is celebrating her birthday with friends

    16. "It's okay to keep things private and live offline. As you get older, you might regret how 'open' you were with the world."


    17. "Get a good cast-iron pan and a set of stainless steel pots and pans. They can withstand heavy use, so you'll have them for a long time! Avoid anything advertised as non-stick, because once scratched, the coating is worthless."

    A pizza that was made in a cast-iron skillet is being shown

    18. "Don't just socialize with people in your age group. Obviously, don't be weird about it, but I think you can learn a lot by spending quality time with people who are significantly older than you. It's also nice to have genuine friendships with some younger people, too. You can learn from anyone, I think."


    19. "Regardless of your skin tone or skin type, wear sunscreen every day. And don't forget your neck!"

    A person is rubbing sunscreen on their arm

    20. "Love people. Hold on to the people who matter to you, learn to forgive (with the caveat that you keep a soft eye out for manipulation), and accept that, although people are often imperfect, they're worth keeping around."


    21. "Appreciate your body and whatever imperfections you think you have! It's way easier said than done, but try not to waste your 20s feeling insecure about things that you cannot, or are difficult to, change. You might look back one day and wish you had the body you have now, so enjoy it and wear what you want."

    A trio of girls are putting lipstick on in front of a mirror

    22. "Choose a life before it chooses you. That's the best advice I can offer. Whether you decide school isn't for you and just start working, you go to college, make a family, whatever — choose the life you want for yourself."


    23. "If you're not using something, get rid of it. Don't hoard — sort out and organize your belongings as you go along, or else you'll have a very big job on your hands if or when you decide to move. Also, being clutter-free just puts your mind at ease."

    A woman is organizing her clothes into bins

    24. "Don't be afraid to apologize or admit that you're wrong. Also, please get those smear tests, prostate tests, mammograms, hearing tests, eye tests, and everything else in-between."


    25. "Every few years, take the time to literally sit down and plan where you want to be in five or ten years. Like, what do you want your relationships, your job, and your life to look like? Break it down and order it by the things you care the most about, and journal it. Give yourself a few action steps while you're at it. You can always adjust if you change your mind, but it's good to give yourself concrete goals."

    A man is in bed, journaling

    26. Lastly: "DO NOT SETTLE! You are young. You may feel pressure from society, family, or your relationships to settle, but don't do it. You will regret it later on down the road. Enjoy life, be free, be your authentic self, and trust your gut. You are often deserving of more things than you think."


    BRB, going to plan out the next five years of my life. Before I go, what are some things you wish you'd known when you were in your 20s? If you're navigating through your 20s right now, what are some things you want to learn more about? Let me know in the comments!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.