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    The Cheese Factor And Other Monday Musings.

    Nothing thrills me more on a Monday morning than fighting deadlines and temperamental wifi at the local coffee shop. I could work from the comforts of my home but the same four walls haven't got much to say in the realm of office chat.

    1. You say grilled cheese, I say cheese toasties.

    Winter colds and general grogginess have brought a recent hankering for grilled cheese or cheese toasties as they are more fondly known on this side of the pond. Has anyone else taken a moment in their day (nope, just me) to consider the different varieties of grilled cheese joints one can pander over in London alone? Toastits, Melt Room, Grill My Cheese...My hankering led me to surf the net for totally bodacious recipes to replicate. I landed on The Pioneer Women's Crispy Grilled Cheese and the rest is history.

    2. Gilmore girls.

    The low or high point of my week - depending on how you rate or relate to Gilmore Girls - was setting a reminder for its Netflix comeback. Proudly I scrolled to November 25th and popped it in my calendar with as much pride as payday or granny's birthday. In case you skipped all internet memos here is the trailer in all of its Stars Hollow glory. If you don't understand the Stars Hollow reference then you shouldn't be on the internet at all.

    3. Take a lead from Martha Stewart's Vineyard Cookbook Club, and you'll be just fine.

    I'm starting a cookbook club and you should too. I spend evenings gazing at glossy new and old cookbooks; eyeing up recipes is a surprisingly soothing way to detract from mandatory households tasks. If you're not 100% sold on the idea yet then here is Food 52's tips for starting your own club as per Martha Stewart's Vineyard Cookbook Club, which I heavily assume is the creme de la creme of gateaux cookbook clubs to be invited to. Top tip: the conversation should always be centred around food, duh.

    4. Mastering any conversation.

    "Self-awareness is like sunblock: it must be periodically applied," and other horrendously useful pointers that will keep your conversation starters on track courtesy of Vogue.