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    43 Things To Help You Cut Down On Waste In 2022

    We're leaving single-use plastic back in 2021.

    1. A pack of shockingly absorbent reusable Swedish dishcloths for an eco-friendly alternative to disposable sponges and paper towels. Unlike regular dishcloths, these can be sanitized in the dishwasher or microwave between uses so you know they're not harboring any unwanted germs.

    2. A pack of reusable silicone lids that have a seemingly endless list of uses. Top off a saucepan, store leftovers, keep food warm while cooking — all without needing to use any single-use plastic wrap!

    3. A pack of refillable K-Cups you can fill with your favorite coffee to save loads of money (and plastic).

    4. A pack of biodegradable hair ties because they're thick enough and strong enough that you'll actually be sad when you inevitably lose one. Comfort yourself with the fact that they can naturally break down over time, unlike regular plastic-filled ties.

    5. A washable sponge to replace the probably kinda smelly disposable sponge you're currently using. These work just as well, and can be tossed in the washing machine or dishwasher and reused again and again!

    6. Reusable Stasher food storage bags so ditching those single-use plastic baggies is easy! These airtight pouches come in a range of sizes and are safe to use in the microwave and freezer. Then just toss 'em in the dishwasher for easy cleaning!

    7. A set of reusable shopping bags that fold up tiny enough to keep in a purse or backpack so you're always prepared to say no to the inevitable "Do you need a bag?" question.

    8. An easy-to-install Tushy bidet attachment for a true revo-loo-tionary toilet upgrade that'll keep your tushy in tip-top shape without the need for toilet paper.

    9. Or a Fohm dispenser if you're not ready to give up on TP entirely. It transforms any standard piece of toilet paper into a cleansing wet wipe for a more *booty-ful* clean that won't clog your toilet!

    a model placing a piece oof toilet paper under the touchless dispenser next to a refill bottle of foam

    10. Pair it with jumbo rolls of recycled toilet paper with no inks, dyes, or scents that help build toilets for those in need (they donate 50% of profits). You can even opt to have it sent to your home, just in case 2020's traumatic toilet paper shortage has left you looking for a nongrocery store alternative.

    11. A reusable stainless-steel coffee filter for the pour-over coffee lovers flying through paper filters — and hating it!

    12. A stainless-steel strainer and saucer set so you can ditch your single-use tea bags (many use plastic sealants and aren't biodegradable) and indulge in an eco-friendly tea time with tasty loose-leaf teas.

    13. A makeup-erasing cloth to gently — but effectively — remove your makeup with just a little bit of water. Plus, it's reusable! Once it gets dirty, just toss it in the wash.

    BuzzFeed writer removing bright red lipstick with the makeup erasing cloth

    14. A beginner-friendly menstrual cup for a one-and-done purchase you'll keep for years that won't fill up your trash or empty your wallet like other period products. Just imagine — no more emergency runs to pick up tampons because your period came early.

    15. Or try a comfortable pair of period underwear that'll make managing your flow as easy (and comfortable) as putting on underwear. These underwear have the ~absorbency powers~ of up to three regular tampons!

    16. A pack of glass straws you can reuse again and again for all your sustainable sippin' needs! They're wide enough to easily drink your favorite smoothie (and cute to boot).

    17. A compost bin for food scraps that's sleek enough to keep on the counter, but it doesn't have to stay there; it comes with a mounting bracket for the inside of cabinet doors!

    18. A biodegradable phone case because have you ever thought about how many phone cases you've owned? Probably a lot — all of them made from plastic. These ones keep the sturdy protection and skip the plastic, so they won't be sitting in a landfill long after you've upgraded to the latest model.

    19. A rechargeable electric lighter that's windproof, splash-proof, portable, and just overall very nice to look at. Your candle game just got an upgrade!

    20. A roll of reusable bamboo towels if you're tired of wasting money on expensive, single-use paper towels. They're 100% machine washable, super absorbent, and one roll offsets up to 60 rolls of conventional paper towels so you can clean with a clear conscience.

    21. Reusable mesh produce bags for cutting down your single-use plastic consumption at the grocery store or farmers market! Plus, these have a drawstring closure, which is way more convenient than standing in the middle of the aisle trying to knot the top of those flimsy plastic bags.

    22. A packable cutlery set so you never have to say "Oh, I forgot my reusable straw at home" ever again! That (and a whole lot more) fits in the included storage case for convenient carrying.

    23. A 3-in-1 tool that does the work of a dust-removing garment brush, pet-hair-busting lint roller, and a heel-protecting shoehorn all in one. In this case, less really is more!

    24. Plus, this patented pet hair remover that's great for removing hair from large surfaces (like furniture) and uses bristles, not sticky tape, to catch lint, so you can clean and reuse it over and over and over again.

    25. A scented shave soap bar so you can get all the moisturizing lather you love from your current shaving cream without the plastic packaging.

    the bar soap box next to a round white bar with a windmill carved into it

    26. A rechargeable hand warmer that doubles as a power bank for charging devices on the go. It's perfect for anyone who doesn't have the patience to wait and shake those single-use hand warmers for what feels like ages.

    27. A plastic-free food wrap made from biodegradable cotton and beeswax because unlike plastic wrap, it can be reused for up to a year before needing to be replaced.

    28. A 99% plastic-free natural deodorant that's super affordable and actually works. It's got a barely-there scent that's fit for any and every body, keeps you fresh all day, and is free of any pore-clogging aluminum, parabens, and silicones.

    a paper tube of Hey Humans deodorant next to a pile of matcha and some apple slices

    29. A no-frills bamboo toothbrush with soft charcoal bristles so you can actually follow your dentist's orders and swap your toothbrush every three months without piling up more plastic in the landfill. Over time, this all-natural brush will biodegrade and return to Mama Earth.

    30. And some all-natural toothpaste tablets if you're on the hunt for a plastic-free alternative to traditional tubes that leaves your mouth feeling just as fresh and clean as your conscience does when you reduce waste!

    31. A tablet-based refill cleaning kit from Blueland — a Shark Tank alum — that'll have your surfaces sparkling with just a few swipes. Sidebar: whoever thought cleaning solution would ever be so aesthetic?

    32. A goat milk body soap bar to deliver the same moisturizing clean as your bottled body washes without adding to the tumbling avalanche of half-empty plastic bottles in your shower.

    33. A reusable cotton swab for cleaning up your ears and cleaning up the planet at the same time by replacing 1,000 single-use swabs.

    34. A bamboo-blend single-layer bento box so sleek and good-looking it just might motivate you to bring lunch from home instead of ordering out. Plus, it's the perfect compact container for storing restaurant leftovers!

    35. A plastic-free body lotion concentrate you simply mix with water to make you feel like a sustainability scientist, whipping up plastic-free concoctions with skin-nourishing benefits.

    36. These rosebud lip salves because this hydrating formula comes in cute tins that are easily recyclable.

    Three open tins of Rosebud Salve with a caption that reads "The BEST lip balms ever"

    37. A set of mix-and-match cloth napkins for messy eaters looking to cut back on their paper towel consumption. These durable linen ones come in customizable packs with a wide range of color options to match your existing decor.

    38. A pair of nonstick silicone baking mats so you can say "buh-bye" to single-use parchment paper and foil but still get all the slick, nonstick benefits.

    A reviewer photo of two baking sheets lined with the silicone mats and topped with baked cookies on one and balls of uncooked cookie dough on the other

    39. A mason jar herb garden that's disgustingly cute and plant-murderer-proof. Each kit is equipped with a hydroponic system that regulates soil moisture — aka no scary guesswork. Just fancy, fresh herbs with every meal, reducing both food and plastic waste!

    Several different-colored mason jars with herb plants sprouting from the tops

    40. Reusable silicone baking cups so you can spend more time experimenting with new recipes, and less time at the store buying yet another pack of paper liners.

    41. A 16-pack of reusable makeup remover pads that are made from bamboo, which is gentler on the planet than cotton, and can be reused up to 1,000 times. That's a lot of makeup removed and disposable cotton rounds saved!

    a reviewer photo of one of the pads labeled "new" and another that's slightly darker in color labeled "1 month"

    42. A Swiffer Sweeper–compatible microfiber mop pad because it's a one-time purchase you can use again and again for dry or wet cleaning. Sparkling floors and a permanently shorter shopping list? Yes, please!

    43. A pack of extra-large dryer balls made from organic New Zealand wool to cut down on long dry times and get you to your warm, fluffed-up clothes faster. Plus they'll save you from having to run the dryer multiple times. Your electricity bill (and the planet) thanks you.

    Six wool dryer balls sitting atop a vine

    You making all these eco-friendly swaps in 2022: