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    33 Products To Help You Clean All Those Things You Usually Forget To Clean

    It's time to clean your hairbrush.

    1. Some dishwasher cleaning tablets because (to my shock and horror) you have to clean the thing that cleans your dishes, and these tablets make doing so as quick and easy as...well...running the dishwasher.

    2. Plus, a pack of washing machine tablets for complete confidence that the hand-me-down washer that cleans your clothes is actually clean — with no scrubbing required! Just pop a tablet inside your empty washer and run through a cycle like normal for a shiny, deodorized drum.

    3. A simple-to-use drain clog remover that'll help you handle the wet, hairy monster living in your pipes without calling up your plumber.

    a reviewer holding the tool over a tub drain with a long glob of hair attached

    4. A lemon-scented cleaning gel if spending hours wiping out keyboards, air conditioning vents, and car cupholders is not your idea of a good time. Just plop this gooey godsend on whatever needs cleaning and watch as it oh so satisfyingly lifts dirt and dust in a snap.

    5. A genius humidifier cleaning cartridge to prevent stanky mold and mildew buildup in your tank for a whole month with no harsh chemicals. Plus, it's cute!

    6. A microfiber window blind cleaner with three blades so you can clean the tops and bottoms of two blinds at once. It's effective and efficient — two of my favorite "E" words.

    7. A genius bag cleaner ball for trapping all the mystery dirt, crumbs, and sand accumulating at the bottom of your purse or backpack. And it's reusable! Just take out the inner ball, give it a rinse, and it's good to toss back in your bag.

    a pink plastic ball in an open purse

    8. A jetted bathtub cleaner because have you ever thought about the gross grime hiding in your Jacuzzi jets? Now that you've been cursed with that thought, you're probably going to want to give your tub a rinse. Just fill it with water, pour the cleaner in, run your jets, and let the "yuck" seep out.

    9. A double-sided hairbrush-cleaning brush that'll do a better cleanup job than your fingers ever could, with a pointed end for picking out tangles and stiff bristles to remove all that built-up hair, dust, and fluff.

    10. A fast-acting air purifier if you're looking for a quick and easy way to eliminate airborne allergens in your home. Three-stage filtration works to trap pet dander, pollen, odors, and more so you can breathe a little easier — literally.

    11. A hypoallergenic makeup brush shampoo so you can really get your brushes clean and keep last week's makeup residue from messing up this week's makeup ~lewk~.

    12. A pack of cleaning K-Cups because the inside of your Keurig is likely coated with residue from old brews. Now you can give your machine regular deep cleans in the same amount of time it takes to make a cup o' joe. Side effects may include better-tasting coffee (important when guests are coming over).

    13. A powerful mold and mildew stain cleaner for help lifting those daunting grout and caulking stains without the back-breaking scrubbing. Just apply the concentrated gel formula, wait six to eight hours, and wipe it off to reveal the pearly white grout you never thought you'd see again.

    a split reviewer before and after image of the grout looking dirty on the left, and clean on the right

    14. A cruelty-free pet ear cleanser that'll gently (but effectively) flush out built-up dirt to keep your furry friend's ears happy and healthy.

    a split image showing the inside of a dog's ear with lots of brown spots on the left, and the same dog ear interior without spots on the right

    15. An investment-worthy mattress vacuum if you can't sleep soundly until you know your bed is truly clean. This will suck up dust and dirt from your mattress, eliminate bacteria with a powerful UV light, and has a hot air outlet to rid your bed of dust mites.

    16. A dryer vent cleaning kit that attaches to your vacuum to suck lint and other debris (aka major fire hazards) from the narrowest of crevices.

    17. A screen cleaner kit because your sleek flat screen looks a bit less sleek with your toddler's fingerprints all over it.

    18. A pack of bottle-cleaning tablets for removing stubborn stains from the walls of metal tumblers, impossible-to-clean water bottles, and stained coffee mugs with NO scrubbing required!

    19. Or a reusable weighted bottle cleaner you shake, shake, shake so you can clear away any gunk hiding in your water and blender bottles.

    20. A pack of biodegradable foaming drain-cleaning pouches that'll take care of all the out-of-sight grime clogging (and stinking) up your garbage disposal.

    21. A headlight restoration kit if your lights are looking a little cloudy and just aren't shining as bright as they used to. This kit attaches to your standard electric drill, so you can get crystal clear headlights without the expensive trip to the repair shop.

    Before: a car's cloudy, yellowed lens After: the same lens, now sharp and crystal-clear

    22. A plant-based stainless steel cleaner to get rid of (and prevent) the streaks, smudges, and grubby fingerprints that are keeping your appliances from living up to the "stainless" in stainless steel.

    reviewer before-and-after photo showing their stainless steel sink looking brand new after using stainless steel cleaner

    23. A cap cage so you can (finally) wash your favorite baseball hat and get rid of those sweat stains without worrying about bent brims and sagging.

    24. A stainless-steel grill brush that's safe to use on any grill or smoker and features a unique triple-headed design that can get into your grates' every nook and cranny for a better, deeper clean after every grillin' sesh.

    a model using the grill brush to clean an outdoor grill grate

    25. A stain-busting Wet & Forget exterior spray because winter has done a number on your porch and patio furniture. This spray is safe to use on virtually any surface, working to clean *and* prevent mold and algae buildup with no additional rinsing required!

    L: a reviewer photo of flagstone covered in green stains and text reading "before", R: a reviewer photo of the same flagstone now clean and text reading "after"

    26. A long-handled wall and tile scrubber for getting at baseboards, shower tiles, walls, and ceilings without fetching the ladder or crawling around on your hands and knees.

    27. A slim cleaning brush that'll go where no sponge or rag has gone before. Its ultra-thin design can fit into hard-to-reach window and door tracks, and the handle doubles as a scraper for stuck-on debris.

    28. An all-natural scour paste if you've been "forgetting" to clean your oven because you think it's going to take forever. Think again! This multipurpose product can quickly remove questionable films, grime, and grease from virtually any surface.

    29. A UV smartphone sanitizer because your beloved phone is also a breeding ground for germs. With this around, you'll always be just 10 minutes away from a squeaky-clean cell.

    30. A dual-sided sneaker cleaning sponge to keep your kicks looking fresh. Everything you need to get at tough scuff marks, dirt, and grass stains is packed in the sponge — just add water to activate.

    a reviewer photo of a clean sneaker on the left and a dirty sneaker on the right

    31. A pack of AirPod-cleaning putty so you can finally excavate all the gross gunk living in your earbuds and get back to clearly hearing every 👏 last 👏 detail 👏 of your fave true crime podcast.

    Blue square with lots of ear wax on it that was removed from an AirPod speaker

    32. An Angry Mama microwave cleaner that, when filled with vinegar and water and popped in the microwave, will get so mad she'll have to blow off some steam and get your microwave squeaky clean in the process.

    33. And a minimalist cleaning checklist download you can print off again and again to help you remember everything else that needs cleaning.

    The cleaning checklist with items for every day of the week

    When they ask if you remembered to clean your mattress: