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    27 Fitness Products Reviewers Over 50 Swear By For Staying Active

    You know what they say — an object in motion stays in motion.

    1. A moisture-wicking illustrated yoga mat for the visual learner who is not interested in venturing out to a class or hunting down the perfect video. With this, you can craft your own flow and get inspired with new poses from wherever you and this mat go.  

    reviewer sits on black yoga mat with pose pictures
    same yoga mat on floor with blue yoga blocks

    NewMe Fitness is a small business creating high-quality fitness products for all types of exercise. The mat is 24" wide x 68" long and 5mm thick! 

    Promising review: "I'm very pleased with the quality of this mat. I'm in my 60s and looking to regain some flexibility. I do some yoga and also strengthening exercises on this mat. It is comfortable, doesn't have any smell, and I really love having the yoga positions right there in front of me. It's a bit expensive truth be told, and I'm hoping the durability rating I gave it will hold true." —Beth N 

    Get it from Amazon for $33.99+ (available in eight colors).

    2. An exercise ball to target a myriad of fitness goals like posture, balance, and core strength, while also serving as a helpful tool for modifying exercises when getting all the way down on the floor sounds less than ideal. 

    reviewer image of the exercise ball in white
    reviewer using the red exercise ball while lifting weights

    UrbnFit is a small business creating a variety of fitness equipment.

    Promising review: "Love this ball! Great for stretching and ab work. As a young woman of 64, my health is my top priority. You will love this ball!" —Lynne 

    Get it from Amazon for $19.98+ (available in 5 sizes and 11 colors).

    3. An adjustable weight bench if you've always dreamed of having a home gym but feel like you don't have the space for it. With this, you can target every area of your body with three seat and seven back positions. Plus, it folds down for easy storage! 

    reviewer sits on black adjustable weight bench while doing bicep curls
    same workout bench folded in half on hardwood floor

    Promising review: "Right out of the box I was able to use the bench. I have been in the gym most of my young life and now at 64 I am wanting to put together a home gym. The ease of changing the configurations is really important to me. My wife is new to working out and she is able to manipulate the bench like a pro. It is very sturdy. I am very satisfied with our purchase." —Mitch 

    Get it from Amazon for $149.99.

    4. A pair of adjustable ankle weights with separate weight bags so you can start off with 1 pound and work at your own pace up to 5 pounds without worrying about going out and buying a whole new set. 

    Model's legs with two black weights wrapped around their ankles

    Promising review: "These ankle weights are easy to use, with the Velcro straps. You can strap it to your bare legs or to your leggings. The leggings made it slightly better against the skin. When secured, it will not roll down during leg lifts. I especially liked the fact that it was adjustable so you could start with 2 pounds and work your way up to 5 pounds per leg. As a woman over 50, I appreciated adding these to my hip stretches to tone my hip flexors and strengthen my joints." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99+ (available in three weights and five colors).

    5. A pack of exercise cards that'll help you craft a personalized at-home workout even if you're a total beginner. Each color-coded card targets a different muscle group and features detailed instructions, including a QR code that'll take you to a demo video. It's also a great way to keep your routine feeling fresh. Just shuffle the deck! 

    an open box with the card deck inside and cards of different colors featuring different exercises on each

    Promising review: "This is a great way to get nice variety in a whole body workout without having to use gym equipment. I use the deck as an add-on to my yoga stretching routine to strengthen my 56-year-old female body. I take one card from each color (muscle) group in a session and do 2–3 sets for each exercise. The next session I use a different group of cards and thus cycle through the whole pack. Some of the exercises are too challenging for me to do more than one rep but if you don't try, you don't get stronger." —Deb

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97

    6. A remote-controlled folding treadmill because sitting at your desk all day isn't doing your mind or body many favors. This ultra-quiet treadmill fits under your desk so you can multitask your way toward that step goal. And if you've got energy to burn after work, simply raise the handrail for more high-impact movement. 

    reviewer photo of the folded treadmill under a desk, next to a guitar
    reviewer photo of the unfolded treadmill in a room

    Promising review: "I love this treadmill! I first used it in my living room as I watched TV. I brought it upstairs (my daughter helped me) to place under my desk. It helps me get thousands of steps in while I'm in meetings. I've had no issues with it. It's easy to set up. I'm 57 and my daughter is 16 — we both use it a lot." —bernadette pernotto

    Get it from Amazon for $269.99 (available in six colors).

    7. Or an under-desk bike for anyone who struggles to squeeze a workout into their busy schedule. Now you can flex your multitasking muscles and pedal the day away while you work.

    A reviewer photo of someone using the under-desk bik
    A top-down reviewer photo of someone wearing socks and using the under-desk bike

    It works with desks as low as 27 inches. If you're tall or you have long legs, you can still use it while working from the couch.

    Promising review: "Unpacked and put it together in no time. Love it so far; at first I didn't know if my 57-year-old legs were cut out for this but now I'm cruising along. I definitely recommend this for anyone tied to a desk job." —G. Frei

    Get it from Amazon for $149.99+ (available in four colors).

    8. yoga wheel to help relieve some of the built-up tension along your spine by increasing your mobility for deeper back stretches. Fitness that feels good on your muscles? What a concept! 

    reviewer in headstand position with a brown yoga wheel
    reviewer arches back using gray yoga wheel

    Talk to your doctor before using this massage wheel to address back pain

    Promising review: "My son introduced me to the yoga wheel. I am 63 and not as flexible as I used to be. I have quite a bit of back pain, used the yoga wheel and it definitely helped especially in my thoracic area. It was very safe to use I would highly recommend." —Vickie Mahoney

    Get it from Amazon for $43.97+ (available in six colors).

    9. A beginner-friendly dumbbell set if you're entering your strength training era. This set comes with a pair of 3-, 5-, and 8-pound weights so there's room to grow when you find your new routine is feeling too easy-peasy. 

    reviewer holding purple pair of three-pound weights
    reviewer picture of the dumbell set

    Promising review: "These work great for my hands. The grip is perfect. I’m a 63-year-old female so my hands can be a problem sometimes if the grip is too small or too large. I’ll probably order a pair of the 20 lb. soon." —JANET M. SIMMONS

    Get the three-pair set from Amazon for $51.91 (also available as single sets from 1–20 pounds).

    10. Or a weighted workout bar so you can incorporate strength training into your aerobic exercises and knock that workout out in record time. 

    Review photo of the 20-pound total body weighted workout bar
    a reviewer lifting the bar above their head

    Promising review: "I am disabled. I can not lift or push anything over five pounds without severe pain. I been using the 5-lb. one for about a month now. I am 53 and need to keep my body strong without hurting myself. It is toning my chest and back. I use it every day for five minutes. It is very comfortable and easy for me to use." —peppercorn

    Get it from Amazon for $16.98+ (available in eight weights and in multipacks). 

    11. A pair of core sliders to really crank up the heat on your planks, pikes, and mountain climbers with next-level core engagement. Plus, these little discs are incredibly packable, so you can stay consistent with your routine even on the road. 

    Reviewer's photo of two pink and black core sliders and a pink jump rope on the floor that says
    a reviewer planking with each hand on a core slider

    Promising review: "Ok. I am fiftysomething and not the athlete that my mind tells me I am. I am not going to join a gym for many reasons. The workout discs have been just the thing for me. There are several different workouts that keep me motivated and the disc helps me to move in directions while maintaining proper form. A big thumbs up from me." —Gordon H 

    Get them from Amazon for $10.95 (available in five colors).

    12. A portable Booty Kicker that'll quickly pay for itself after you skip out on a few barre classes at the gym. Now you can do your favorite workouts from home, and it even folds flat so you can hide it away under the bed when you're done. 

    It even has a built-in dumbbell rack at the bottom that fits 1-pound, 2-pound, and 3-pound weights. Genius!! 

    Promising review: "Everything I wanted in a home ballet bar. This is great! I'm 65 years old and I need help with balance, etc. Very affordable and so sturdy, which is what I need. It did take two of us to assemble but it wasn't difficult, it just helps. Here's to better health and balance."  —Karen Johnson

    Get it from Amazon for $119.99.

    13. A portable elliptical because you barely have time to work out, let alone get to a gym. Now, you can get a good workout from the comfort of your living room (with your favorite show, ofc) since this compact unit is tiny enough to stash in a corner or closet. 

    Reviewer pic of the small portable elliptical with black petals on each side that fit a foot
    Reviewer pic of them standing on the elliptical and showing how small and compact it is

    Promising review: "This is one of the best pieces of equipment that I have ever used. Feel the burn fast, super easy to use sitting down. I used it third day standing up and wasn't too hard. Really impressed with ease of assembly and the sturdiness and weight of this. I am six weeks away from turning 57. You will not regret getting this. I just wish I had this last year." —tammicimi

    Get it from Amazon for $100.95+ (available in four colors).

    14. An adjustable weighted fitness hoop for anyone whose peak fitness days were tearing it up at the playground with a hoop. Now that you're an adult, it's time to turn to this adjustable alternative.

    Model using a blue weighted hoop to swing into a workout
    pink version laying on the floor

    Promising reviews: "I’m 51-years-old and was able to go 30 minutes on my first try. Give the weight at the end of the string a little throw and there are several different movements you can do to keep this going, the typical fitness hoop move, just swaying side to side, or even front to back. I go 15 minutes in each direction and the second 15 minutes I use 5-pound hand weights in each hand. It’s great exercise and I can even do it while watching TV or listening to an audiobook. My kind of exercise!" —JLG 

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in nine styles). 

    15. A pair of Wrist buddy yoga blocks with an ergonomic cutout to drastically relieve pressure on your aching wrists as you flow through your yoga practice. 

    reviewer image of the yoga block in teal
    reviewer showing how the block has a space to put your hand

    Wrist Buddy is a small business founded by a chiropractor who pivoted to creating ergonomic fitness products to elevate your workout routine!

    Promising review: "I had both carpal and cubital tunnel surgery 12 years ago and have modified everything I do since then. I started yoga for my hip and then remembered why I stopped doing it. I literally stumbled on this device and thought it was worth a shot. I had low expectations. These blocks are everything. I did a foam rolling Peloton stretch class and a 20-minute flow class today. NO PAIN. Initially figuring out how to flip the blocks around took a second but easy to get the hang of. I’m sooo happy. No wrist pain. Able to hold and go deeper into postures. These are genius. One of those 'I wish I invented these' things. Just buy them. I’m only 51 and my husband laughed when he saw them out of the box. He was less optimistic than me. These things are great." —Leah Berry

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $39.99 (available in four colors). 

    16. A height-adjustable punching bag set if your workout routine is starting to feel like a major snooze-fest. Yes, gloves are included, so you can conduct a solo backyard brawl, get a solid workout, and punch out some frustration all at once. 

    Promising review: "For the price this is fantastic! We're not athletes. But to have something fun to get us all moving and increasing our skills: focus, balance, body mechanics, punching, and cardio...it's great! We have ages 6 to 56 in our home using it." —Kindle Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $48.99

    17. A pair of rotating push-up bars so you can make those push-up reps easier and harder at the same time. Let me explain. These help take pressure off your wrists and prevent slippage, but rotate as you go down to engage a whole new set of muscles. The downside? I detect none. 

    Promising review: "I have a slight issue now that I'm in my early 60s: arthritic wrists. This greatly assists me in keeping my wrists straight. My breathing is getting better, I would catch myself holding my breath, and my reps now are almost back to where I was prior to having issues with my wrist. I highly recommend, if you decide to purchase this item, watch the instructional videos as a guide prior to utilizing this item in your workouts." —Dan H.

    Get them from Amazon for $24.99.

    18. Or a Power Press Push-Up Board that features a color-coded system and removable handles so you can test out different forms and target specific muscles in your back, chest, shoulders, and triceps. 

    This board comes with a training manual and access to online training workouts. What's great about this board is workout versatility, you can change between 30 push-up positions and not stick with the same movements every time. Plus, the handle grips can help you properly align your body and avoid straining your hands and wrists.

    Promising review: "I'm 57 and have mostly put down the weights and use this primarily for my upper body. I use every position and my results are outstanding. I've had it for six months now. I wear gloves when using it. Combine with body squats and it is a great workout." —Howard J Jones

    Get it from Amazon for $59.99

    19. A Kettle Gryp because you already own perfectly good dumbbells but have a few kettlebell exercises you've been itching to try. Skip out on buying another piece of bulky equipment and just get this handy-dandy adaptor, which adds a handle to your existing dumbbell weight. 

    Reviewer holding the orange Kettle Gryp wrapped around a weight while squatting
    Reviewer pic of the orange Kettle Gryp around a black dumbbell on the floor

    Kettle Gryp is the small business behind this fitness invention. And they appeared on Shark Tank

    Promising review: "Very easy to use as a 71-year-old woman. Put any size weight you want, and change it up as you like." —MARIA B

    Get it from Amazon for $34.95.

    20. A compact twist board for an easy yet effective core workout. There's no rolling out a mat or getting on the floor. Just hop on (maybe park yourself in front of the TV) and twist your body from side to side for a few minutes. 

    reviewer standing on the pink twist board and holding pink weighted balls
    floor view of reviewer standing on same pink twist board

    Promising review: "I had a metal disc twister many years ago and this is exactly what I was looking for. I may not use it for long periods of time, but I do jump on it several times a day. It really helps shape up your waist and upper body. I'm 70-years-old and have no trouble keeping my balance. I recommend for all ages." —DianaK

    Get it from Amazon for $32.99

    21. A set of fabric resistance bands to take your squats, donkey kicks, and bridges to the next level without the fear of the bands rolling or snapping mid-set. Working out is hard enough without your equipment doing its best to attack you. 

    Reviewer on their hands and knees with the pink band around their thighs raising on leg
    Reviewer on their feet now with the band around the thighs, doing a squat

    Promising review: "I have only been using them for two weeks but so far they are exactly what I needed for PT on my knees. I am 75 years old." —Charlie 

    Get a set of three from Amazon for $10.48+ (available in three color combinations).

    22. Or these color-coded resistance bands with detachable handles, a door anchor, and ankle straps if you want a whole gym's worth of strength-training exercises at your disposal without that pesky "leaving the house" thing. 

    Reviewer standing on bands and doing arm curls
    Reviewer's bands attached to door jam in middle of doorcrack

    The set includes five bands of different weights: the yellow is 10 lbs, the blue is 20 lbs, green is 30 lbs, black is 40 lbs, and the red is 50 lbs. Plus, you get two handles, a dooor mount, ankle straps, and a travel bag. 

    Promising review: "These bands make it so easy to get in arm exercise. I’m 65 years old and the doctor says most people break a hip when they fall because their arms are too weak to break the fall. She says to get busy with some arm exercises! This set is perfect! There is a variety of weights so both my husband and I benefit from the purchase. There is a lot of versatility and options for a variety of exercises if you want to expand on those options. Quality is excellent. They take up no room and come with a little storage bag. Definitely recommend. These are a game changer. Easy to travel with too." —golfteam8

    Get it from Amazon for $22.97+ (available in 13 set options).

    23. An ergonomic hand squeeze ball so you can work out those phalanges and help increase your grip strength while you hang out on the couch and marathon movies. Multitasking looks good on you. 

    Promising review: "Nice size. Not too hard or soft. I am a 65-year-old woman trying to build my hand strength. My husband wants one too!" —Peggy Marchi

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99

    24. A Stealth core trainer that pairs with an app on your phone to transform the agony of planks into a fun little game. Instead of watching the seconds crawl by on the clock, you can concentrate on beating your high score. Time will fly! 

    a reviewer doing a plank with the core trainer
    a reviewer photo of the core trainer in yellow

    Don't forget to download the app before you get started so you can play the four free games!

    Stealth Fitness is a small business that created this with the mission to help make working out fun. 

    Promising review: "My normal plank was a bunch of 30-second planks and that boring exercise was looking for an excuse to not get done. Then I stumbled on this awesome tool — Stealth Abs. After a week of playing games, I realized I have gone from 30 seconds to 2 minutes to 5+ minutes of not just a plank but a plank that I am twisting from left to right which strengthens the core even more. I have barely scratched the service of all the moves that can be safely done with the Stealth Abs machine, but the beauty of finding out those different moves will be fun while building my core. I am 60-years-old and having a stronger core is more and more important as the years creep up." —Steve Dougherty

    Get it from Amazon for $149

    25. A space-efficient stationary bike for enjoying alll the physical benefits of a spin class without having to force pleasantries with a single stranger at 7 a.m.  

    Promising review: "This bike is very well constructed, it is smooth and quiet. I am over 60 and needed some type of exercise other than walking to maintain strength in my legs. I am very happy with the bike and use it every day. Awesome bike." —mark

    Get it from Amazon for $189.99.

    26. Or a training stand because you already have a perfectly good bike in the garage. Now it can work twice as hard for you and your fitness goals! 

    Promising review: "I ordered this from Amazon in order to get some aerobic exercise. I am 68 and had a bike I never ride because I do not feel comfortable riding on the streets in my neighborhood. So I ordered and it works with my bike perfectly. It’s set up in my garage and I now ride about three times a week. Hoping to ride daily. I feel safe and comfortable." —Sharon Tenney Duckworth

    Get it from Amazon for $72.30.

    27. An investment-worthy balance trainer to enhance just about any exercise you throw at it — lunges, oblique twists, burpees. The list goes on and on! 

    Model using an inflated dome-shaped bosu ball to get leverage on a crunch exercise

    Promising review: "We were introduced to Bosu years ago by our trainer. We are in our 60s and cannot tell you how much the Bosu adds to our workout. The versatility of this simple piece of equipment is endless, from weight training, to planking, and last but not least balance training. If you could only have one piece of exercise equipment you would be hard pressed to do better than a Bosu. I highly recommend the Bosu." —Keiffer J Phillips

    Get it from Amazon for $129.99+ (available in 17 color combos). 

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.