We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    25 Eco-Friendly Swaps That Are Actually Better Than What You’re Using Now

    Your disposable lint roller, single-use mop pads, and plastic shampoo bottle should be scared.

    1. A pack of biodegradable hair ties because they're thick enough and strong enough that you'll actually be sad when you inevitably lose one. Comfort yourself with the fact that they can naturally break down over time, unlike regular plastic-filled ties.

    a reviewer photo of a pack of black hair ties
    a reviewer photo of their hair in a messy bun using the hair ties

    Terra Ties is a small business that's creating a 100% biodegradable alternative to standard hair ties. Made for all genders and ages, these durable bands are made from natural rubber and organic cotton dyed with natural dyes.

    Psst — my boyfriend and his thick, curly locks can attest to their holding power. 

    Promising review: "Love, love, LOVE Terra Ties and how long they last. I've always had issues with hair ties either not holding my hair tight enough, or just stretching out after a few uses. I have consistently kept a hair tie around my wrist for 10+ years and these have lasted much longer than any brand I've purchased before. Biodegradable is just an added bonus!!" —Samantha

    Get 27-pack from Amazon for $14.95.

    2. A patented pet hair remover if you're tired of plowing through lint rollers just to keep Fido's shedding at bay. This roller uses bristles, not disposable sticky tape, to catch lint meaning you can clean and reuse it over and over and over again.

    a reviewer photo of a the ChomChom sitting on a black hoodie with the left covered in hair and the right free of hair
    a gif of a reviewer using the lint roller to pick up hair

    ChomChom Roller is a Massachusetts-based small biz creating an eco-friendly, reusable alternative to sticky lint rollers. 

    Promising reviews: "We were wasting a lot of lint rollers to remove our cat's hair as my wife is obsessed with having everything clean. This product is not just saving my money but also it works great on anything — sofas, clothes, bed, etc. Easy to clean up the hair as well. I wished it worked a little better in removing hairs with fewer tries but it does the job when you are persistent. Definitely recommend for any cat lovers out there." —Mohammad Kabir

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99

    3. A pack of reusable Swiffer mop pads that's a multitasking purchase you can use again and again for dry or wet cleaning. Sparkling floors and a permanently shorter shopping list? Yes, please!

    a reviewer photo of a swiffer wet jet with one of the reusable mop pads attached
    a reviewer photo of a dirty mop pad on the left, and a clean mop pad on the right

    Turbo Mops is a small business that launched in 2018 on a mission to create top-quality cleaning accessories to help you get through your to-do list as sustainably and cost-effective as possible. 

    Promising review: "Absolutely, highly, recommended! The disposable cleaning cloths do not cover a lot of area before they are just spreading the dirt and you can go through multiple cleaning cloths. These washable floor mops work great on cleaning ALL my flooring surfaces without going through multiple cloths. Works great on all surfaces, my home has marble, tile, laminate and linoleum and have had no issues on any surface." —Susan Rachac

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $12.45

    4. These reusable Swiffer dusters so you can enjoy all the cleaning convenience of the disposable versions while helping the environment and crossing "duster refills" off your shopping list for good. 

    Cut up fleece fabric swiffer heads in different color combinations
    TS Designs / Etsy

    TS Designs is a Michigan-based Etsy shop that specializes in home products and country, rustic, and vintage-styled gifts and decor.

    Psst — the seller notes that this works best with Swiffers with the yellow handle, but also is compatible with the blue handle. You should avoid using fabric softener when washing this duster so it won't lose its static cling.

    Promising review: "Great washable duster replacement tops. They vacuum off and wash up easily, and they grab dust and cobwebs every bit as well as the disposable ones I was using. Considering it means putting a bit less into landfills and also saving money in the long run; I only wish I had bought these years ago, sincerely. Also, they shipped very promptly and arrived sooner than expected, so that was a pleasant surprise. Thanks!" —otherlings 

    Get a three-pack from TS Designs on Etsy for $4.49+ (available in 10 colors and individually).

    5. A volcanic stone face roller to instantly soak up excess face oil, even if you have makeup on! Unlike blotting papers, this roller is able to be washed and reused, reducing waste and saving you $$$.

    a reviewer hand holding the oil roller
    Gif of reviewer using Revlon oil-absorbing volcanic face roller

    Promising review: "I've been using this product for a couple of months now, and it is still working beautifully. I used to run through blotting papers like mad, but this roller has saved my wallet. I'm pretty oily, and still can use the roller maybe 20–25 times without washing it at all. LOVE!" —eden

    Get it from Amazon for $12.50.

    6. A three-blade all metal razor with a pivoting head because, if you frequently shave, you're going to go through LOADS of plastic razors. This one is designed to last you LITERALLY FOREVER, uses recyclable blades, and delivers a silky smooth shave. 

    a hand holding the metal leaf razor in gold
    a gif of someone shaving their armpit with the Leaf razor
    @leafshave / Via www.instagram.com, @leafshave / Via www.instagram.com

    Leaf Shave is a eco-minded small biz founded by two Adams who set out to create a better razor that is also better for the environment. Their packaging is 100% plastic-free, and through financing initiatives to offset 100% of the company's CO2e emissions they've become Climate Neutral certified. 

    I know, I know — over $80 for a razor feels pretty steep, but plastic razors really add up over time and this thing is STURDY. When first trying to eco-swap my shave routine I tried a regular safety razor because it was a lot cheaper and I basically bled to death (kidding, but I did cut myself a lot). It works really well for some people, but I had really come to rely on the pivoting head of the plastic razors I learned on. So imagine my pure delight when I finally snagged one of these beauties and could return to shaving without all the cuts and blood. It's really easy to change the blades, and I find myself getting a better shave because I'm not putting off buying another razor like I would before. It really is a great investment that not only keeps plastic razors out of landfills, but all the plastic packaging they come in, too! 

    Get it from Amazon (available in six colors) or Leaf Shave (available in seven colors) for $84. 

    7. A shipment of jumbo recycled toilet paper rolls with no inks, dyes, or scents and made by a company that helps build toilets for those in need (they donate 50% of profits). Each roll is wrapped in recyclable paper, not plastic, and it's sent straight to your home without a trip to the grocery store. 

    a roll of toilet paper next to another roll wrapped in printed paper
    a model pulling a roll of toilet paper out of a box filled with toilet paper that says
    Who Gives a Crap

    Subscribe to have jumbo rolls of recycled toilet paper delivered straight to your door every 8, 12, or 16 weeks!

    Buying toilet paper as an apartment-dweller without a car is the actual worst. It's awkward to carry when you've already got arms loaded up with other groceries, and buying the tiny four-pack of TP is not particularly cost-effective. We just got our second shipment of Who Gives A Crap and it's been nothing but delightful. It's high-quality TP without any plastic packaging that helps those in need. I doubt your current TP brand can say the same! Plus, the rolls are wrapped in paper with fun prints that are cute enough to display on the back of my toilet. An unnecessary (but appreciated) bonus! 

    Get 24 rolls from Who Gives a Crap for $38 (save $10 on your first order).

    8. Plus, a motion-sensor Fohm dispenser if you love everything about a bathroom wet wipe except how hard they are on the planet and your septic tank. With this refillable option any standard piece of toilet paper can be transformed into a cleansing wet wipe for a more *booty-ful* clean that won't clog your toilet!

    a white wall-mounted foam dispenser with a hand holding a piece of toilet paper
    a gif of the dispenser being installed on a tile wall with Command Strips
    Fohm, Fohm

    Fohm is a small biz launched in 2019 by a husband-and-wife duo that, after traveling the world together, realized they didn't have to choose between dry TP or "flushable" wipes that are bad for the planet and your pipes. And thus, their one-of-a-kind touchless system was born!

    Once you have the starter Bathroom Kit, you'll just need to buy foam refills, which you can automatically have sent to your door every 6 or 10 months.

    Promising review: "After a $1,100 plumbing emergency 'flushable' wipes were no longer an option. Fohm is a perfect alternative and really does work with any kind of toilet paper. Even Scotts!" —Christina 

    Get a dispenser and a bottle of cleanser from Amazon or Fohm for $79. 

    9. Some plastic-free laundry detergent sheets so you can get the same stain-fighting clean you've come to expect from your detergent without the bulky plastic jugs and messy blue goo. 

    a hand holding a box of laundry sheets and a single sheet of detergent
    Danielle Healy / BuzzFeed

    Kind Laundry launched in the midst of the pandemic on a mission to reduce global plastic waste with their planet-friendly alternative to bulky, traditional laundry detergents. 

    Why did we ever invent liquid laundry detergent when sheet detergent is just so much better? It feels ridiculous that it's taken so long to make this switch. These squishy sheets are so easy to use, mess-free, and are MUCH easier to store than big ole jugs. Plus, the packaging is 100% recyclable cardboard and I still get the same clean I've come to expect from regular grocery store brands. 

    Get a 60-pack from Amazon for $19.95 (available in unscented and ocean breeze). 

    10. A pack of refillable K-Cups you can fill with your favorite coffee to save loads of money (and plastic) without giving up the single-cup convenience. 

    A purple K-cup with a hinged lid and stainless steel mesh sides filled with ground coffee
    The same purple K-cup closed and inserted into a Keurig

    These BPA-free plastic cups are designed to work in any Keurig brewer, old or new!

    Promising review: "Really like these reusable K-Cups. I hated wasting so much plastic using regular K-Cups and found this to use as an alternative. I have had these for two years and they have held up great! Easily to fill, clean really nicely, and no complaints! And it's great you can put your own coffee in so you're not stuck to certain brands or flavors. Highly recommend if you are trying to be more environmentally friendly." —Amazon Customer

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $8.49

    11. A beginner-friendly menstrual cup for a one-and-done purchase you'll keep for years that won't fill up your trash or empty your wallet like other period products. Just imagine — no more emergency runs to pick up tampons because your period came early.

    a BuzzFeed writer holding the menstrual cup
    a BuzzFeed writer pulling on the tab of the menstrual cup showing how it breaks the seal
    Danielle Healy / BuzzFeed

    The menstrual cup factor that freaked me out the most was the thought of having to get up there and break the seal to take it out. So when I saw the Flex Cup, which is specifically designed to make that process easier, I figured why not give it a try. This is a purchase I would definitely file under the "life-changing" category. Yes, there is a learning curve, but by my second cycle with the cup I felt like a pro. Even with the pull tab, taking it out can be a little messy (I tend to just do it in the shower), but it's definitely a more controlled experience than if it wasn't there at all. With my flow, I can leave my cup in for hoouuurrrssss without fear (can't say the same about tampons...), meaning The Flex Cup has made my period less awful. A true feat!

    Get it from Amazon for $34.96 (available in two sizes).

    12. A pack of shockingly absorbent Swedish dishcloths that are an eco-friendly alternative to single-use paper towels. They're super sturdy and can be sanitized in the dishwasher or microwave between clean-up jobs so you know they're not harboring any unwanted germs.

    a reviewer photo of the fanned out dishcloths
    a reviewer photo of a hand holding a wet dishcloth

    Promising review: "I had actually seen/used them in Europe, but forgot all about them until I saw them on Amazon. They are easy to clean — I throw them in the dishwasher or clothes washer almost daily. They save me from using so many paper towels and, in most cases do a better job than paper towels. I also keep one upstairs in the bathroom to clean up water splashes in the sink there. These are a really good idea. You don't realize it, but you need them in your life :)" —Frequentfliermom

    Get a 10-pack from Amazon for $19+ (available in 10 colors).

    13. Or a roll of reusable bamboo towels so you can clean your entire house with a clear conscience. These are 100% machine washable, super absorbent, and one roll offsets up to 60 (!!!) rolls of conventional paper towels. 

    They're made from organic bamboo, are machine-washable, and are SUPER strong! They can be used ~120+ times~ before discarding (ideally in your compost!). 

    Life hack — if you're puzzled on how to store your soiled rags between washes, try hanging a lined wet bag on the inside of a cabinet door. This tip is from iHeart Organizing and has been a life-changing tweak to my routine. 

    Promising review: "Don't let the quantity discourage you. I cut mine in half! One half-sheet takes the life of dozens of sheets of regular paper towels and cloth towels! My regular cotton towels can't compete with one sheet of these bamboo towels! No lint left behind, it doesn't break apart in my hand, and it is as strong as Magic Erasers if you've tried them before! Using them is not gross when you think along the lines of using rags. One sheet has lasted over a week with rinsing with hot water and soap and hang drying. This is a game changer!!!" —Neela921

    Get a roll (20 sheets) from Amazon for $9.99 (also available in packs of two and four).

    14. Reusable mesh produce bags to cut down your single-use plastic consumption at the grocery store or farmers market! Plus, these have a drawstring closure, which is way more convenient than standing in the middle of the aisle trying to knot the top of those flimsy plastic bags.

    six different-sized reusable mesh produce bags with drawstring closures
    One of the mesh produce bags filled with red apples
    Loosewarp / Etsy

    Loosewarp is a Jackson, New Jersey-based small business supplying all your reusable produce bag needs for a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

    Each set comes with six bags: two small, two medium, and two large.

    Promising review: "I love these bags so much! I bought them so I could cut down on plastic and they work great. They have more than enough room for all my produce and are very sturdy. And they are an amazing price! Five stars." —Olivia

    Get a six-pack from Loosewarp on Etsy for $12.74.

    15. Some penguin dryer balls because on top of their stunning good looks they can do everything a dryer sheet can (on repeat) AND reduce drying times, which is good news for the planet and your energy bill.

    Friendsheep is a small biz creating handmade wool home goods. Their products are handmade by Nepali artisans and are sourced from factories and cooperatives that enforce fair trade labor policies. 

    Promising review: "These dryer balls really are adorable and make the chore of laundry more cheerful. Be sure and follow the instructions to dry a load of dark clothes the first time you use the black penguin balls. After that, you will have no problem with using them to dry whites or light colors. Dryer balls really work and are a good investment. I am going to be giving these as gifts!" —Auntie m

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $32

    16. A dye-free Egyptian shower loofah if you're looking at your mildewy-smelling synthetic one thinking "There's gotta be a better option." You're right! And it looks like this generously sized, biodegradable alternative.

    a reviewer photo of the loofah laying flat fresh out of the packaging
    a reviewer photo of the same loofah soaked up after the suggested pre-soak

    Standard synthetic loofahs are made from plastic netting. That's obviously not great for the environment. These sustainable loofahs are organically farmed in Egypt, and they're BPA-free, too.

    Promising review: "Great natural alternative to cheap, plastic substitutes! The initial shape is (as indicated in the packaging) temporary as the sponge puffs up within the first shower or bath. In fact, I didn’t require the suggested pre-soak. Although the sponge is — by default — a bit more abrasive than a cheap plastic loofah, I was able to gently scrub my 2-year-old’s body with no problem! But the best benefit was the fact that the product can be used for far longer than a plastic loofah without getting that foul, mildew smell and dingy texture. We will never go back to plastic again! Overall, excellent purchase that has great results, is cleaner, and environmentally responsible!" —Jazz E.

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $17.97.

    17. A rechargeable electric lighter that's windproof, splash-proof, portable, and just overall very nice to look at. No more empty plastic lighters in the trash with this around!

    A Gif of BuzzFeed editor lighting a candle with the electric lighter
    a reviewer hand holding the lighter in black
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    Promising review: "I got the three-pack, one for me and two as gifts to friends who are trying to reduce waste. We all love these lighters because a single charge really does last, we don't have to buy any more disposable lighters for the foreseeable future, and the length is perfect for hard-to-reach wicks. Getting used to how to place the arc on the wick and understanding that there was a safety timeout took me a bit to get used to but wasn't frustrating." —Salim

    Get it from Amazon for $8.49+ (available in nine colors).

    18. makeup erasing cloth so you can gently — but effectively — remove makeup with just a little bit of water. Plus, it's reusable! Once it gets dirty, just toss it in the wash. Makeup wipes, who?

    BuzzFeed writer removing bright red lipstick with the makeup erasing cloth
    Taylor Miller / BuzzFeed

    I bought one of these cloths after including it in previous posts, subsequently selling myself on it (hazard of the job). It honestly works better than I could've imagined! You really do just need to dampen it with water to have your makeup melting off in seconds. I think this is a great zero-waste option for people (like me) who don't wear a ton of makeup on the day-to-day, because you can get a lot of uses from this cloth without needing to wash it constantly. It also washes up shockingly well. I've had it for close to two years and every time it comes out of the washing machine almost entirely stain-free I'm equally shocked. 

    Get it from Amazon for $13.48+ (available in 14 colors).

    19. A plastic-free food wrap made from biodegradable cotton and beeswax that, unlike plastic wrap, can be reused for up to a year before needing to be replaced. Just rinse it with cool water between uses! 

    a reviewer photo of bread sitting in the bees wax wrap
    a reviewer photo of a can with bees wax wrapped covering the top

    Promising review: "Wow, why have I not tried beeswax wrap sooner? I used this as a makeshift lid for my dog's wet canned food and it stays fresher for twice as long as when I was using foil or plastic wrap because those don't have a seal at all. This wrap is amazing, plus it has the added benefit of being eco-friendly. These last a year, so I will never have to waste money buying plastic wrap again :)" —Sarah 

    Get an assorted three-pack from Amazon for $14.99 (available in four prints).

    20. Plus, a set of silicone food savers to help preserve your produce when the recipe only calls for half a lime. Now you can easily save the other half without turning to plastic wrap only to have it get all weird and hard in your fridge, anyway. 

    an assortment of different-sized fruits cut in half with food huggers on the skinless side

    Food Huggers is a woman-owned small biz founded by two friends trying to cut down on both food and plastic waste in the kitchen. 

    Promising review: "This product is very easy to clean and I was surprised that it actually worked on a cut tomato! I was afraid that it would squish the tomato since the product is rather thick, but it worked beautifully. I will be using the other sizes as they are needed, but one thing I do really like is that storage for these 'keepers' takes so little room in my cabinets!" —DHW698

    Get a five-piece set from Amazon for $16.99 (available in five color combos). 

    21. A nesting water bottle and travel cup for when you've got limited space in your bag and unlimited beverage desires. Fortunately, this stainless-steel water bottle nests inside a travel cup, so you can get your waste-free drank on wherever you go. There's even a surprise silicone coffee lid stowed inside the bottle cap 🤯. 

    a reviewer photo of a black water bottle
    a reviewer photo of the same bottle with the travel cup sitting next to it
    Danielle Healy / BuzzFeed

    I am constantly trying to solve the problem of my near-constant desire for a beverage competing with my other desire to avoid single-use plastics. Recently, that has manifested in this purchase, which I am very pleased with so far. Both the bottle and cup are stainless steel, and can keep beverages both hot and cold for hours. All the pieces stow together really easily. I was skeptical how well the silicone coffee lid would work, since some reviewers complained that it slips off from time to time, but I've yet to experience that. Thought this unit is a tad heavier than my last water bottle, the fact that I now ALWAYS have a cup on me for an impromptu coffee run is well worth the negligible difference.

    Promising review: "Heavier than my Hydro Flask but I’ve found that having that convenient screw on nesting cup makes this my constant go-to. Either at work or home, I carry this with me everywhere and the one nesting cup has replaced all my coffee mugs and glasses." —mr. e

    Get it from Amazon for $29.56+ (available in two sizes and in 10 colors). 

    22. A wild sage and vetiver shampoo bar if you're looking to cut single-use plastics from your haircare routine without sacrificing on the color-safe, nourishing quality you've come to know and love from salon brands. 

    a hand holding a sudsy square shampoo bar

    Dip is a woman-owned environmental awareness brand creating top-notch hair care that's so good, being plastic-free is just a fun bonus. Products are made locally in the USA and are suitable for ALL hair types. 

    This is not only my favorite shampoo bar, but my favorite shampoo — period. I am not fussy with my hair, so I tend not to notice subtle differences between shampoo formulas, but even I noticed how much better my hair felt and looked after using this shampoo bar and the corresponding plastic-free conditioner. So soft and SO much less frizzy, even when I let it air dry. Don't be deterred by the price. My partner and I are three months into our first bar and there is still PLENTY of life left, so do yourself a favor and try it yourself! 

    Get it from Salt + Snow (available in four scents) or Dip (available in a travel size and additional scents) for $24. 

    23. A tablet-based refill cleaning kit from Blueland — a Shark Tank alum — that'll have your surfaces sparkling with just a few swipes. Sidebar: Who thought cleaning solution would ever be so aesthetic?

    a box  filled with three spray bottles, one pump bottle, and four packaged tablets
    each of the bottles filled with solution

    This kit includes three reusable spray bottles, a reusable soap pump bottle and refill tablets for each. Just drop the correct cleaning tablet into your forever bottle and fill it with water! That's it!

    Promising review: "The low-impact packaging is what attracted me to Blueland, but how well the products actually work is what made me fall in love. Hands down, this is the best nonbleach bathroom cleaner I've ever used, and the joyfully colorful bottles make me actually want to pick them up and clean. Not to mention, they smell good!" —Alyson D.

    Get it from Blueland for $39.

    24. A pack of party cups made from infinitely recyclable aluminum so your next shindig retains all the ease of disposable cups with none of the landfill waste! Plus, aluminum will keep that ice cold beer even colder, for longer.

    a reviewer photo of one of the silver aluminum cups
    a reviewer photo of a hand holding a cup filled with an iced beverage

    Promising review: "Sooo much better than the Solo cups. I know they say that these are recyclable, and I will do that eventually, but I plan to reuse for now. Saving money and the planet in the long run." —erik

    Get a 30-pack from Amazon for $24.99.

    25. A stainless-steel strainer and saucer set for making tea time a tasty, trash-free affair without single-use tea bags (many use plastic sealants and aren't biodegradable). Now, go indulge in some tasty loose-leaf teas at home. 

    A reviewer photo of the strainer in a mug filled with black tea
    A reviewer photo of a hand holding out the mesh tea strainer on the included saucer

    I started drinking more loose-leaf tea as a way to cut down on the waste of tea bags (It's also more delicious IMO, which doesn't hurt). I settled on a two-pack of these strainers after another, more cutesy strainer ball left me choking back a mouthful of tea leaves when prepping one of my finer rooibos teas. These have been great for close to five(?) years now. I love that they hook onto the mug and come with a little saucer to set the strainer on when it's finished steeping.

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $10.99.

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.