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10 Women Who Are Redefining What Power Suits Look Like In 2018

A power suit can be literally anything that makes you feel a little better every time you wear it.

When I think of the term ~power suit,~ polyester, shoulder pads, and a stiff outfit that belongs in the '80s comes to mind. But the '80s were almost four decades ago, and a lot has changed since. I was curious to see how women are redefining what a power suit is, and here's what they had to say:

1. This is Jade's tailored power suit. When she wears it, she feels like the captain of her own destiny.

2. Caelan's power suit is actually a DVF wrap dress. She's worn it for job interviews, and birthday celebrations, and has felt sexy, powerful, and professional while doing so.

3. Syd's power suit, which includes colorful, stripped pants, and velvet booties, helped her land her dream job!

4. Brianna's power suit is her workout gear. She got discovered by a model agency while wearing it.

5. Elena's wears her blue Balenciaga jacket when she's not feeling 100%, and it makes everything better.

6. Kayla wears her mom's blazer when she wants to feel extra powerful. Not only is it special because it belonged to her mom, it also helped her land an internship which ultimately launched her career.

7. Jamé's suit makes her feel womanly and feminine without having to throw on a skirt or dress.

8. Daniela's suit helps her feel better every time period cramps wreck her.

9. Cora feels like she's standing in her most flattering light when she wears her power suit, which has also doubled as her ~birthday suit.~

10. And Emily's suit has made her feel sexy and powerful even when her weight fluctuates.

Keep wearing whatever makes you feel powerful, ladies!