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This Photographer Shows The Sacrifices Families Make For A Quinceañera

Posing in fairy-tale gowns with reality as a backdrop.

A quinceañera, or fiesta de quince años, is one of the most important celebrations in Latin American culture.

Fascinated by this elaborate tradition, photographer Delphine Blast traveled to Colombia to learn more.

Laura Cristina Zarta in her quinceañera dress:

Luna Valentina Arias Beltrán in her quinceañera dress:

Melany Forero poses in her quinceañera dress:

Iasbleidy in her quinceañera dress:

As for Blast, her work on the project is far from over.

To see Blast's complete Quinceañera series, visit her website.

An exhibition for the collection will be held in Paris at the beginning of February 2017.