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    Kylie Cosmetics Is Sending Highlighter Packages With No Product Inside

    Customers paid $22 for Kylie's Kylighter, and in return, they got an empty compact.

    Another day, another Kylie Cosmetics controversy. Before we get into it, here's a quick recap: Last month, Kylie launched a line of highlighters, or should I say, ~Kylighters~. In true Kylie Jenner fashion, they sold out in three minutes.

    But now, people who ordered Kylighters are pissed. Instead of getting the $22 highlighter they ordered, they're receiving empty compacts.


    Like this:

    You serious Kylie Jenner really! Where my highlighter @KylieJenner @kyliecosmetics @KylieJenner @kyliecosmetics

    And this:

    What happened to my kylighter?@KylieJenner @kyliecosmetics

    And this:

    Umm... @kyliecosmetics you sent me an empty highlighter....? πŸ˜‘πŸ˜€πŸ˜‘

    @kyliecosmetics @KylieJenner GOOD DAY RUINED when my Kylighter arrived BUT THERE WAS NO PRODUCT inside 😭😭😭 help me!…

    This isn't the first time the cosmetics brand has faced backlash. They've been accused of stealing ideas and repackaging old lip kits as limited-edition shades.

    On a positive note, it seems like the customer service team is at least taking care of the Kylighter situation quickly.

    They've been responding to disgruntled customers over Twitter and Instagram.

    I guess if you get enough retweets and likes they'll send you a new kylighter...?πŸΈβ˜•οΈ

    BuzzFeed has reached out to Kylie Cosmetics for comment.