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    I Lost 100 Pounds And Lost Obesity, Inflammation, Hypertension, Diabetes, LDL

    Seems that every day, new research shows how obesity connects to other diseases. Obesity is overtaking all other lifestyle diseases, and some non-lifestyle ones, as the leading killer. Asthma, hypertension, high LDL cholesterol, diabetes, inflammation, depression, liver disease, IBS--they all have connects to obesity. Do you want to live longer and be happier? Lose weight and get healthy. It's that simple. I'd always been healthy, but after gaining weight, I had trouble with cholesterol, pre-diabetes, hypertension and liver. All of these, I've managed to get under control by losing that extra 100 pounds.

    Spring is a great time to shed winter belly fat

    Grow your meals, shrink your body

    Garden a menu of antioxidant-rich, fat-burning vegetables: lettuce, carrots, peppers, squash, pumpkins, zucchini, strawberries, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, onions, tomatoes, kale and spinach. Working in the garden, you get exercise, fresh air and a mood lift. Use chemical-free, organic soil and treatments. Grow or buy avocados for crazy-healthy protein and fatty acid fat burner.

    Work that summer bounty

    Live on fruits and vegetables, literally. Make 50-80 percent of your plate produce. Summer is the perfect time. We're already eating lighter and fresher. Make harvest vegetable soup. Chop veggies and saute in non-stick olive oil cooking spray. Add water, garlic, sea salt, cracked pepper, celery seed, bay leaf, smoky chipotle and simmer. Freeze and can for year-round summer-fresh meals.

    Take natural fruit diet supplements and appetite suppressants

    I use acai, raspberry ketones, garcinia cambogia, green tea, apple cider vinegar, vitamin D, coconut oil and cinnamon.

    Quit drinking soda pop, even diet

    I don't normally recommend eliminating a food, except soda, which isn't food. But if you swap out just that one thing from your diet and switch to fat-burning lemon water, you will lose weight. Add a lemon wedge water glass or bottle. Drink iced green sun tea. Put five tea bags in a glass jug. Set in the sun. Remove bags and refrigerate.

    Eat six small meals and snacks

    Eat within an hour of rising. Make lunch your biggest meal. Stop eating three hours before bed.

    Drop starchy, sugar-based carbohydrates for fiber-rich, high-protein carbs. Eat plain oatmeal (sweetened with berries), whole grains, almonds or almond butter, nuts, pumpkin and seeds, and milled flax seed.

    Trade dairy

    Eat light cheese, fat-free or lowfat milk, almond milk, coconut milk, cashew milk and plain, nonfat Greek yogurt. Avoid soy milk and soy products as they cause inflammation, bloating and belly fat.

    Swap bad fat (saturated, transfat, animal-based) for good fat

    Eat foods rich in MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids), like fish, Take flaxseed, coconut and krill oil. Get your complex linolenic acids: CLA and GLA. Krill has omega-3 fatty acids--DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (elcospentaenoic acid)--like regular fish oil, plus omega 5,7,9 and 11 and astaxanthin (anti-inflammatory).

    Start a simple exercise routine

    Sleep better

    I put on 100 pounds partially because of untreated sleep apnea. Root out, research and fix sleep problems. Get help. Diet and exercise are easier when you're rested.

    Keep goals manageable

    So what if you need to lose 20, 50 or 300 pounds? It's the same process. Keep doing what you're doing and you will. And remember to go heavy on the self-praise and not at all on the auto-shaming. Shame leads to depression and despair and will sabotage your weight loss efforts. And we didn't get fat overnight. Give it time. You probably had issues that caused what caused weight gain. Find out what they are and fix those. Focus on progress and keep working it.

    The last is a bonus tip

    But probably the most important of all. Be kind to yourself. Heal that negative self-image. I know I basically already said that. But it bears repeating over and over again. You've already hated yourself to fat, now love yourself to thin. Then you'll have willpower and sustainability to get those pounds off.