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    Help Some ONE—10 Warning Signs of Suicide

    One in ten college students contemplates suicide. That leaves nine out of the ten to reach out and help some ONE. How can you help? Be on the lookout for these warning signs of suicide.

    Trouble in school

    Changes in mood or behavior

    Seeming depressed or anxious

    Talking about suicide

    Eating too much or too little

    Risk-taking, recklessness, self-harm

    Isolating from friends and peers

    Sleeping too much or too little

    Experienced trauma (break-up, family problems)

    Giving away possessions

    Nine out of Ten -

    Approximately 1 in 10 college students consider suicide each year. That means that nine out of ten students have the opportunity to help that one who is struggling. Inspired by this statistic, Nine out of Ten is an ambassador program that empowers college students to be a hopeful voice for suicide prevention and promote a mental health movement on campus. Nine out of Ten student ambassadors engage in year-round advocacy and awareness activities to spread the message of Nine out of Ten: Be aware, speak up, reach out, and #helpsomeone

    If you need support now, call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, or, text “HOME” to 741-741 to get help 24/7 from the Crisis Text Line.

    If you or someone you know needs help, visit the Jordan Porco Foundation’s resources page.

    The opinions expressed are personal, and not those of the Jordan Porco Foundation. The information is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as mental health advice from the individual author or the Jordan Porco Foundation. You should consult a mental health professional for advice regarding your individual situation.