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    Dance Off Around The World

    Couple turns 14 hour layover into Dance Off Around the World. Music Credit - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Dance Off

    Couple turns 14 hour layover into Dance Off Around the World

    View this video on YouTube / Via YouTube

    Let me share this story with you. I remember the first moment I fell in love with my husband, Ben. We met in Las Vegas on Halloween and he was dancing in his costume alone. He didn't care who was watching, just enjoying the moment and being himself.

    I looked over and smiled because he had some pretty crazy dance moves and I knew he was "The One" because he was goofy and weird like me. I can be completely myself with him. Fast forward 7 years later, we were stuck at an airport on a 14 hour layover and instead of complaining, he made the best of it and we danced around to Macklemore & Ryan Lewis' song Dance Off, like huge weirdos. 😂 Life with him is never boring and I cherish each and every day I get to spend with him.

    "We are all a little weird, and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love" -Dr. Suess

    Music Credit: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Dance Off