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    7 Things Dentists Want You To Know About Dental Hygiene

    I am going to list out 10 things that your dentist wants you to know about dental hygiene.

    1. Constantly (like as you are reading this post) there is a sticky biofilm that coats the surface of your teeth with bacteria, this film is called plaque

    Your teeth might feel super clean, that doesn't mean that plaque is not there. This is primarily because plaque is not very thick. It sticks in front, back, in between, side and right under gums. It is the cause of many dental disease including decay.

    Plaque builds all over your teeth everyday as you eat and drink. Brushing twice daily and flossing regularly are very effective ways to fight plaque.

    Dental problems do not go away or get better without effective treatment.

    Did your dentist give you a dental care plan? Focusing on following them is the only way to get dental care issues fixed as soon as possible. Cavities get bigger and decays worsen if left to sit without treatment.

    Gingivitis (inflammation of the gum) if treated earlier can be reversed but if left will lead to periodontitis; which is a more complex stage of gum disease.

    3. Poor dental health affects your overall health as well.

    Recent studies links gum disease and cavities to heart diseases and strokes. Gum disease, tooth loss and cavities causes a lot of pain and difficulty in basic use of the mouth and teeth. Having a healthy dental system is paramount to enjoying good health.

    4. Dental problems could lead to bad breath.

    Studies reveal that up to 85% of persons with constant bad breath suffer from dental condition. Getting rid of bad breath completely goes beyond just brushing, seeing your dentist for the necessary medication is needed.

    5. Proper Nutrition is an important part of dental care

    Plaque and the low-nutritional and sugary food that are consumed combine in our mouth and produce acids that attack the enamel of the tooth. This acid attacks can lead to gum disease and cavities. Eating nutritional food and reducing on sugar intake will greatly improve dental health.

    6. Do not use one toothbrush for too long.

    Dentist advise that we change our toothbrush every 4-6 weeks. Bacteria gather in the bristles of our toothbrushes therefore using one brush over and over is sending the bacteria back to your mouth constantly. Change your toothbrush whenever you recover from an illness.

    7. Seeing a dentist is very important even if you take good care of your teeth.

    You might be a fabulous brusher and flosser and you might have amazing teeth as a result of your dental care habits, seeing a dentist regularly is still very important. Dentist see lots of things that you cannot see and can help you address critical dental care issues that nominal dental care habits cannot fix.