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17 Signs You Were Born To Be A Stand-Up Comedian

Funny how some people are just naturally hilarious. If you're into, say, laughing and stuff, catch Cristela every Friday at 8:30|7:30c on ABC!

1. Growing up, you used to put on shows for your parents.

2. You were always quoting shows and movies.

3. And... A LOT of your childhood pictures look like this:

4. You were told to leave the dinner table all the time for acting up...

5. ...and did the best impressions of family members.

6. You spent countless hours watching SNL.

7. You always went around telling silly jokes to relatives.

8. And you'd get super upset if someone ever stole your joke.

9. You would spoil your sibling's drinks when they weren't looking.

10. If your teacher ever said not to do something, you'd do it.

11. To you, the term "class clown" was not an insult, it was a badge of honor.

12. This couldn't be missing from your backpack:

13. And this thing often came in handy to you too:

14. The principal's office was your usual hangout.

15. You tried to convince your teachers to improve your grades by making them laugh.

16. This was you in your car all day, every day:

17. And phone pranks were your thing.

You can't miss ABC's hilarious new series, Cristela! Watch it Fridays at 8:30|7:30c!

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