This Bar Is Going Viral For Giving Out Gift Cards As Thanks For Not Driving Drunk

    "Life is valuable, have a wonderful weekend."

    Scott Defoe (left) recently went out for some drinks at John Max Sports & Wings, a bar in Windsor, Ont. Rather than drive home, he got a ride from a friend

    The next morning Defoe went back to the bar to get his car and found a note from the bar's owner.

    "Just want to thank you for leaving your car parked overnight," the letter began. "I'm not sure if you had consumed alcohol at John Max or not, but we wanted to thank you for not drinking and driving."

    The note was accompanied by a gift card worth $20 and a voucher for two hours of free time on one of the bar's beach volleyball courts.

    "Please accept this as a thank you for being responsible. Life is valuable, have a wonderful weekend."

    John Max owner John O'Kane told The Toronto Star he has been giving out the letters for two weeks.

    The letter is now going viral, and O'Kane is earning praise for his generosity and support of responsible drinking.

    John Max's parking lot may be full for many mornings to come.