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10 Women Who Are Paving The Way For The Next Generation

Who run the world? These girls, and all the girls they're inspiring to take it on! Sponsored by COVERGIRL.

1. Amy Poehler, comedic genius and co-founder of Smart Girls at the Party

2. DJ Beverly Bond, hard rocker and founder of BLACK GIRLS ROCK!

3. Oprah Winfrey, visionary and founder of the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls

4. Sheryl Sandberg, tech titan and founder of Lean In

Lean In is an organization devoted to helping women "believe in themselves, pursue any goal, and take a seat at any table." Recently, Lean In paired with Getty Images to provide a collection of stock images that offer a more balanced view of women, girls, families, and modern workplaces. One image from the collection can be seen above on the right.

5. Selena Gomez, pop star-slash-actress and UNICEF ambassador

6. Reshma Saujani, founder of Girls Who Code

7. Billie Jean King, living tennis legend and founder of Women's Sports Foundation

8. Tavi Gevinson, teen wunderkind and editor-in-chief of Rookie

9. Judy Vredenburgh, president and CEO of Girls Inc.

10. Rosario Dawson, amazing actress and member of the board of The Lower East Side Girls Club

You can overcome your own barriers and rock the world too! This video is brought to you by COVERGIRL:

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