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    Characters You Will Meet At Every Wedding

    Without fail, every wedding has at least 9 of these guests

    The One There For the Drinks

    Bridesmaid with RBF

    Overbearing Family Member

    This is usually an older female that simply "knows best"

    Emotional Father

    The Late VIP

    There is always SOMEONE that HAS to be there for the ceremony...but didn't bother to properly plan to arrive on time

    The Guest Without A Plus One

    They just look so sad. They don't know anyone else, and are likely to spend the entire night on their phone

    Recently Married

    Vendor Who Makes Mistakes...All Day

    This is VERY rarely the caterer...I'll leave it at that.

    The Vendor Who Wants to Have Control

    The Early Arriver

    They are not in the wedding, and are not an important family member...but they show up more than an hour before the ceremony. They will awkwardly hang around, until they finally retreat to their car, and come back to the ceremony a minute before it begins.

    The Unprepared Guest

    The wedding is outside, and everyone else was made aware...except this guest. They are asking everyone for bug spray, a fan, and complaining about everything.

    Weddings are fun and zany guests are more fun!