We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    30 Things That'll Turn Your Nightmarish Closet Into An Organized Dream

    These things spark joy.

    1. A set of Wonder Hangers to maximize hanging space in your closet. You'll soon ~wonder~ how you ever lived without these little miracles.

    The hanger opened to show that it can fit five regular hangers on it
    The same hanger folded down to show how those five hangers can be condensed and take up less space

    Promising review: "These wonder hangers are WONDERful. My closet space has doubled, at least. I have ordered them for every closet in my home. I also recommended them to friends and family. I love them." —Nancy J

    Get a 10-pack from Amazon for $13.99 (also available in other multi-pack sizes and three colors).

    2. A set of hook-shaped hangers so you don't have to keep your hoodies in a messy pile that comes tumbling down whenever you grab one. This gives you an easy way to hang them *and* helps you find the one you need ASAP.

    Set of five hoodie hangers in closet
    GIf of BuzzFeeder removing hoodie from hanger
    Venalli / Etsy, Daniel Boan / BuzzFeed

    BTW — Venalli is an Overland Park, Kansas-based small biz specializing in genius hooks for hoodies *and* vibrant hoodies to go with them.

    Former BuzzFeed Shopping writer Daniel Boan says: "This is one of those 'where has this been all my life?!' type of products. I'm a sucker for a soft hoodie, especially ever since my apartment became my office and now I can wear them 24/7. As much as I love curling up in them, hanging hoodies in the closet is SUCH a pain. They always slip right off my plastic hangers unless I zip them all the way up, so they usually just end up thrown over a random chair (or that mini elliptical I bought in March 2020 and have used a total of two times 😬). These little hook-shaped hangers are the storage miracle I never knew I needed. Now, I can just hang my sweatshirts and jackets by the hood and easily grab them when I need them — no zipping or folding necessary! Best of all, the pile of random hoodies on my chair has disappeared. I'm keeping the mini elliptical covered though."

    Get a five-pack from Venalli on Etsy for $18.86+ (available in four colors).

    3. And a hanger stacker for organizing all your hangers rather than having them in a tangled nightmare that makes you question your life choices.

    reviewer's box full of messy hangers
    reviewer's hangers neatly organized on the stacker

    No more searching for missing hangers, no more cluttering up your space with empty hangers. We love an easy solution!

    Promising review: "Great functionality. I gather hangers as I gather dirty clothes. This stacker lives in my laundry room between the washer and dryer. It keeps my plastic hangers under control and I no longer suffer 'clothes hanger rage' from them getting tangled and not cooperating with me." —msw

    Get it from Amazon for $24.81+ (available in six different pack sizes).

    4. A set of closet dividers if you constantly struggle to sift through your wardrobe and find that *one* garment that's nowhere to be found. Separate sections by sleeve types, dresses, skirts, sweaters, jackets, etc.

    person holding wooden closet divider labeled 'dresses' above hanging clothes
    The White Loft / Etsy

    The White Loft is a Texas-based small business that specializes in handmade goods such as closet dividers, growth charts, and more.

    Promising review: "Item is helping keep my closet organized and looks great." —Sophie Weber

    Get it from The White Loft on Etsy for $30.39+ (originally $37.99).

    5. cube storage organizer when you can't stand to let any inch of closet space go unused! Whether you put these on the top shelf or under your hanging clothes, you'll have *much* more room for folded clothes and such.

    You can arrange the six cubes in the style that works best for your closet setup!

    Promising review: "I put these in my closet to make extra shelves for sweaters/sweatshirts. They were easy to assemble and worked great at adding additional space to my closet. I like that my clothes don’t topple over into the pile next to them anymore. They were easy to put together, and if I move they will be easy to take apart, put in a small box and move. I'm very happy with this purchase." —Goldensummerdog

    Get it from Amazon for $30.99+ (available in five colors and two pack sizes).

    6. A set of shelf dividers to keep each section of folded clothes separate and neatly organized. Finally, no more piles toppling over onto each other like you just lost a game of Jenga.

    reviewer's closet with stacks of sweaters in between the dividers
    reviewer's linen closet with shelf dividers to divide stacks of towels

    They're also great for bulky items like linens and towels! The dividers are 12 inches tall and can slide over any standard shelf up to 7/8 inches thick.

    Promising review: "I love these! They fit snugly over my shelf, so they don't shift or move around. I have a lot of handbags and it's been a mess on my closet shelf for the ones that are floppy. I have limited closet space in a small home so my choices of where/how to store them are limited. This was the perfect solution. I plan on buying more when I get around to rearranging sweaters on shelves." —BarbraGenie

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $15.08.

    7. A set of vacuum storage bags if your main closet issue is a lack of space. You can compress bulky linens and seasonal clothes to create soo much more space for organizing your wardrobe staples.

    reviewer before photo of space bags full of bulky pillows and blankets
    reviewer after photo showing the much smaller compressed bags after removing the air

    Promising review: "I wasn't sure about this product and I didn't believe it would work, OH HOW WRONG I WAS !!!!!!!! I purchased the jumbo bags and I actually was able to place over 20 thick sweaters in one bag; three leather coats, five pea coats, and additional winter clothing into another bag. In total I had six jumbo bags in which I was able to store all my husband's and my winter clothing away, creating space and eliminating overwhelming clutter. I will definitely purchase smaller size, jumbo size, and all sizes to create more space and organize all my clothing." —VickyGener85

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in five sizes and four quantities).

    8. OR a pack of hanging vacuum bags, which is perfect for reducing the size of your puffy winter jackets while still keeping them on hangers in the closet for easy access.

    Reviewer photo of their clothes inside the bags
    The same clothes with all the air sucked out of the bag taking up a tiny fraction of the space

    Promising review: "These hanging vacuum storage bags are the best to organize your clothes when you don't have much room in your closet . I didn't really think my big bulky jackets would fit and they do. I put all four that I have in one bag. I was impressed honestly that all four fit in one bag and the hanger is strong enough to hold all the weight of all four." —Ruby Espinoza

    Get a set of four from Amazon for $28.99+ (available in three colors and various sizes).

    9. A collapsible bin with a delightful front flap that *actually* folds down. You can grab an item from anywhere in the stack of clothes (yes, even the bottom) without ruining it completely.

    gif of a model placing folded clothes into the bin and then showing how the front flap folds down as they remove a piece of clothing
    grey open-front bin
    Great Useful Stuff

    Great Useful Stuff is a small biz based in Sonoma, California, featuring a selection of home and lifestyle products that are great *and* useful.

    Get it from Great Useful Stuff for $28 (available in eight colors). 

    10. A pack of huge storage bins when it's time to store seasonal items so you have more room in your closet to justify another shopping spree. Everything stays organized and the clear window lets you see what's inside without opening it.

    model packing linens into storage bag
    reviewers storage cubes filled with items and stored on top shelf of closet

    Promising review: "These bags offer a perfect solution for my storage. I was able to put my seasonal items like summer clothes, comforters, jeans, pillows, etc. I also was able to put the stuffed animals my children were playing with when they were young but I did not have the heart to throw away for sentimental reasons. I like the part that I can see through what I placed inside. Once filled up, I was able to carry it to my shed because the bags were light." —Kassandra C. Salinas

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $29.99.

    11. A bedding holder to eliminate the inevitable stress that ensues when you attempt to organize linens. You can easily and neatly store sheets, blankets, and comforters with these!

    a closet with multiple O-Sheet bedding holders inside
    a photo of the three bedding holders sizes: small, medium large
    Bumble Made / Etsy

    You use this by loosening the bag's drawstring and placing place unfolded sheets inside with the pillowcases loaded on top. Select the current sheet size from the indicator strap (T for Twin, F for Full, Q for Queen, and K for King). Close the bag  and store it on a shelf in your closet. Each small bag can hold up to one full set of king-size sheets, pillowcases included! The medium and large bags can hold more inside, like blankets, pillow toppers, and lightweight comforters

    Bumble Made is a small biz based in Lynden, Washington, that created the O-Sheet bedding holder for sheets, pillowcases, and other linens.

    Promising review: "This is literally one of the best products I've ever purchased. It keeps my sheets so organized, good quality, and makes my life so much easier. I will definitely be buying more for the larger blankets and spare room sheets! Thank you!" —Jennifer Briney

    Get it from Bumble Made on Etsy for $25+ (available in three sizes and four colors).

    12. A sock and underwear organizer set if you have drawer space in your closet for these items BUT they're a hot mess in terms of organization. Is there anything better than a dedicated compartment for each item? I think not.

    reviewer photo showing messy drawer before using organizers
    reviewer photo showing neat drawer after using organizers

    It comes with four sets in different dimensions so they can hold different size garments.

    Promising review: "I hemmed and hawed over this while it spent months on my wish list. My top dresser drawer was full to the brim with bras, undies, socks, and tights and I kept using the same few items that were always on top. I was afraid not all my undergarments would fit but finally,f I had little choice and ordered this in pink. Oh my! I’m in LOVE! I feel like one of those uber-organized TikTok moms every time I pull the drawer open. Super easy to set up and fill. If you have too many socks or tights or undies each well can fit more than one on top of each other. The included pieces fit perfectly in a standard tall bureau which I had been concerned about. Take the plunge, you’ll be super glad you did!" –Chrissquasi

    Get it from Amazon for $13.87 (available in seven colors).

    13. A lovely bifolding jewelry stand because have you ever attempted to untie a necklace knot? Spoiler alert: it's not fun. This slim stand will help you organize your fave accessories and it'll look cute doing it.

    The gold bi-folding jewelry stand on a counter with baubles hanging off it
    Simple and Neat / Etsy

    Simple and Neat is a small business based in Seattle that specializes in home storage and organization.

    Promising review: "This is way better than throwing all my accessories in my drawer! It looks so neat and makes looking for earrings so much easier. I’ll probably buy another when I run out of room." —Marlena

    Get it from Simple and Neat on Etsy for $25.99

    14. Orrr a hanging jewelry organizer if you don't have room on your surfaces for another storage solution. Simply hang this on the back of your closet and keep your jewelry beautifully organized.

    one side of reviewer's jewelry organizer with compartments full of bracelets, earrings, etc.
    other side of the organizer with more bracelets

    It comes with 32 clear vinyl pockets and 18 hook-and-loop closures.

    Promising review: "I needed something that would save me space, but where I could still see all of my jewelry. These things are extremely durable. I bought two of them, and I have probably 50 or so necklaces on one side and maybe 30 pairs of earrings on the other side. There is not a single tear in it. In the other one, I keep nail polishes. It is very convenient because you can see all the colors and it does not take up that much space." —Nellie F.

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99 (available in three colors).

    15. A ball cap organizer for storing your hats in a way that takes up barely any space at all. Bonus points: it'll look neat on the wall and your hats won't lose their shape from being tossed in a random corner of the closet!

    ball cap organizer mounted on wall with several hats inside
    Someone grabbing a ball cap out of the wall-mounted organizer

    Promising review: "Instead of using the screws to install the Dome Dock, I used Command Strips. Works like a charm and no damage to the wall. Simple design and great way to keep ball caps organized. I will highly recommend" —emankins

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99 (available in two colors).

    16. Or a hanging hat organizer when you really want to put your love for headwear on display! If you have space, you can mount it in your closet OR free up some room and store your hats elsewhere, like a bedroom wall or near your entryway area.

    Hanging hat organizer with colorful fedoras clipped to pins on dangling ropes
    Dunn Rustic / Etsy

    Dunn Rustic is a small business based in Nashville that creates customized watch boxes, ring boxes, home organizers, and more.

    Promising review: "I am very pleased with the hat rack! It fits perfectly in my limited space and holds all my hats in such a creative manner! A fun, well-priced solution." —Barbie Crowder

    Get it from Dunn Rustic on Etsy for $67.50+ (originally $75; available in two sizes and three finishes).

    17. hanging sunglasses organizer if it no longer makes sense to keep your shades in their respective cases. When you have a big collection, a designated organizer ✨just makes sense✨. Plus, it'll only take a quick glance to find the pair you want to wear.

    reviewer's gray sunglasses organizer hanging over the door on two metal hooks
    another reviewer's organizer hanging on a rope

    Promising review: "I needed something to organize all of my sunglasses with and something that I could easily see the sunglasses. This was a great solution. It’s lightweight but yet the material does not fold in. It hangs very easily in the closet. I keep them hanging behind our closet door where I can easily see them when I need them!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99+ (available in 12 colors).

    18. A Shoe Slotz space saver to organize your dreaded shoe pile while also saving some prime real estate in your closet. You'll be able to stack shoes on top of each other *without* them getting all squished and deformed.

    A before and after photo of a organized shoe collection and an organized one
    several shelves in reviewer's closet filled with organized shoes using Shoe Slotz
    Sally Elshorafa / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    Here's what BuzzFeed Shopping editor Sally Elshorafa has to say about this handy organization unit: "This product SAVED MY SHOES! I have an awkward set of built-in shelves in my closet, and it was the only place I wanted to put my shoes. As you can see from the before pic (above), it was a big mess; my shoes were piled on top of each other and getting really dirty. Traditional shoe caddies or boxes didn't really work because there's not much horizontal space, so I tried the Shoe Slotz. It fixed the problem perfectly! Because the design smartly stacks one shoe on top of the other, you save 50% of the space you'd normally use to store your shoes." 

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $19.99+ (also available as a 12-pack).

    19. OR! A hanging shoe organizer for anyone who doesn't have tons of shelf/floor space in their closet. Hang this over the door and call it a day!

    Hanging shoe rack on the back of a door
    Reviewer photo of shoes organized in the hanging shoe rack

    If you're still deciding whether a hanging shoe rack is right for you, check out "30 Shoe Organizers That Will Marie Kondo Your Life" to explore other solutions!

    Promising review: "Prior to making this purchase, my family would toss their shoes in an empty diaper box that immediately invaded the entryway space. It was chaos but this product has provided a place that is close to the front door and out of the walkway. Plus I enjoy having the ability to neatly organize all of our shoes." –Cayja Vu

    Get it from Amazon for $9.87 (available in five colors).

    20. Orrr an over-the-door shoe rack that'll store *literally* dozen of shoes. If your collection is too big for a standard shoe organizer, you need this one that can hold up to a whopping 36 pairs.

    Over-the-door shoe organizer on closet door
    Over-the-door shoe organizer on closet door

    Promising review: "My boyfriend and I recently moved in together and one of my main concerns was our combined shoe storage. We just installed this last week and I felt compelled to write a review because it is THE BEST shoe storage solution I have ever come across. I've tried under the bed, over the door pockets, shelves, stands, you name it... but this one is just the most organized, most logical storage ever." —Kathleen

    Get it from Amazon for $35.20+ (also available in five other styles without folding bars).

    21. double laundry hamper when you want to separate dirty lights and darks without having to buy two hampers. You won't have to drag your full hamper out of the closet on laundry day thanks to the removable mesh bags! AND the magnetic lid keeps stinky laundry smells inside.

    a person putting a towel into one side of the gray double hamper
    Reviewer photo of the laundry basket

     It can hold up to four loads of dirty laundry!

    Promising review: "We love this hamper, it fits well into our bedroom and has a nice magnetic clasp to add to the quality and keep the flap securely down. We especially love the removable laundry bags. Adds some much-needed organization to our system and allows us to easily identify when it's time to wash light colors or dark colors." —Alex

    Get it from Amazon for $49.96 (available in six colors and as a single hamper).

    22. An adjustable closet rod so you'll have even more room to hang clothes. Place it on your existing rod and you'll magically have a whole new row of hanging space below. Simple and efficient, we love to see it.

    another reviewer's closet using two of the rod for more hanging space
    reviewer photo of kid closet before adding the rod and after with double the hanging space

    Reviewers said it's especially helpful for kids' closets because their clothes are so small and don't take up much hanging space vertically. The horizontal bar can expand from 18 inches to the max 30 inches, and the hanging height can be adjusted by 1-inch increments.

    Promising review: "This product is amazing. My kiddos are going to share a closet and this was the easiest way to get all of their things in there together. It doubled the hanging space and I was able to hang my daughter's things and move my son's items to the bottom hanging addition. How low you want it to hang is adjustable so it could go even lower if you had adult-size clothing to hang. Would definitely purchase again." —Jeanette Fite

    Get it from Amazon for $16.97 (available in two colors).

    23. A pack of ultra-thin velvet hangers *with* clips so you can use them for skirts and pants, too. Say goodbye to wrinkled bottoms!

    the hangers in a closet with pants, skirts, and shirts on them
    reviewer before and after photo showing significant space saved in closet using velvet hangers

    Promising review: "The perfect hanger for storing even the most slippery garments. The flocking makes it extra grippy while the narrow design means you can fit a lot into a small space. I personally bought mine with a set of clips designed to convert them into pants/skirt hangers and love the versatility. Just be aware they can be a little brittle if you're rough with them and might not be strong enough to hold extra-heavy garments." —Emris Simmons

    Get a 24-pack from Amazon for $22.31+ (available in multi-packs and as suit or shirt hangers).

    24. A hanging purse organizer to properly protect and organize your handbag collection. You paid a lot for them, so don't let them collect dust in a darker corner of the closet! Carrie Bradshaw would be proud.

    Promising review: "I was quite skeptical when I ordered this purse organizer but decided for the price, I'd go ahead and take the chance. Well! This is a winner. There's no assembly. It hooks over the clothes rod, right alongside the clothes hangers. I held my breath as I began to push through a couple of my larger purses. The larger ones protrude a bit on each end but the sling fits like a glove around the purse and prevents sliding. The smaller purses fit quite nicely. I like that my more costly bags will not be a dust catch-all now and also are protected from scratching. All in all, I'm impressed with this product and happy with this purchase. It is a space saver. I recommend it. I hope it holds up well. I think it will." —Beje

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99 (available in four colors).

    25. Or an over-the-door handbag organizer if you simply cannot spare any hanging space in your closet. This organizer will keep your purses in order without taking up too much space!

    the gray handbag organizer hanging on closet door
    reviewer's hanging gray handbag organizer filled with purses

    Promising review: "Purchased this to keep my purses organized since I just had it laying around in random places and I can never find what I'm looking for. I love this addition to my closet door. I'm able to put so many size ranges of purses here from a small clutch to even a large purse. The clear plastic cover allows me to see which purse I have displayed. The over the wall hanger is sturdy. It fits perfectly on my door and doesn't slide around. Would recommend this product." —Kimmie

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $14.99

    26. A five-shelf hanging closet organizer for storing odds and ends that likely would've taken up more room on a hanger. This gives you a few shelves for folded T-shirts, hats, shoes, purses, etc.

    Promising review: "I wasn't quite sure what to expect at this price point but this item has exceeded my expectations. It is sturdy, roomy, very well made, and holds a lot. I ordered it in red to brighten up my closet and am so happy with my choice. I'm using it to store my sweaters and knit tops and it's so nice to finally have everything neatly organized." —Lucy

    Get it from Amazon for $13.87 (available in eight colors).

    27. Or this clever shelf organizer/hanging rod combo when you want some shelves but you're not willing to give up any hanging space. This gives you the best of both worlds so you don't have to pick.

    the hanging organizer with three shelves in a closet and clothes hanging below
    reviewer's closet with the hanging organizer with clothes folded on four shelves and hanging below

    Promising review: "I wish I'd ordered two instead of just the one. It gives me more space in my somewhat small closet. Sturdy and the compartments are roomy enough for several items on each one. I have hats on one, sweaters on another, even have a couple purses on the other space. The rod at the bottom has sweats and jeans hanging on it. Worth the price!" —CANON - KS.

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99+ (available with three or four shelves).

    28. A tank top and bra hanger so you won't have to rummage through shelves, drawers, or storage cubes searching for a bra or tank top. This keeps them organized and visible so you can easily choose what you need.

    hanger in closet with bras on one side and tank tops on the other

    Promising review: "Such a waste of space having cami and tanks on individual hangers! This hanger is such a space saver!! Plus I love having all my tank options in one spot, which makes it easier to choose what to wear." —ChristineDoesCons

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (also available in multi-packs and three colors options).

    29. A pack of tiered hangers to organize your pants and other miscellaneous items such as scarves, shawls, belts, and ties. It saves space in the closet *and* you won't waste another hanger.

    Scarves hanging on tiered scarf and pants hanger

    Promising review: "I ordered these in hopes to gain some extra space in my closet and they did just that! I was able to fit five pairs of dress pants on one hanger and they hung nicely in my closet. They didn't hang down super low which was a concern of mine since I have shoe storage on the floor of my closet. My pants hung higher than when they were on normal hangers so I was pleased to have a little more space below." —Erica

    Get a three-pack from Amazon for $17.05 (available in two colors).

    30. And an over-the-door hook rack that can hold up to 45 lbs! Whether you use it to hang your robe, jackets, or tomorrow's outfit, this is perf for a closet that needs more hanging space.

    Reviewer's over the door hook hanger
    another reviewer photo of clothes hanging on the hook rack

    Promising review: "I bought this to add to the inside of a closet door for extra hanging options. My kids were coming in the house and dropping coats and hoodies all over or hanging them on the stair post (UGH) but this was a perfect addition to a narrow closet with shelving to give us some added hanging space. I liked it so much, I bought a second one and now all the hoodies and coats are out of sight!" —Kelly

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in two sizes and four colors).

    Note: Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.