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Adults 40+, Tell Me A Habit You Regret Not Starting In Your 20s And How It Could've Changed Your Lifestyle

It's never too late to pick up a new good habit!

Looking back on life, there are so many things I wish I had built a habit around — simple things like waking up and making my bed every single morning, journaling, or keeping up with my love for books as the way we view content in this world rapidly changes. While it's never too late to build a new habit, there can be a sense of regret for not starting earlier.

So, I wanted to ask some older adults of the BuzzFeed Community, what’s a habit you wish you had instilled in yourself at a younger age, and how do you think it may have impacted you?

Maybe you wish that, from a young age, you would have taken your emotional, mental, and physical well-being more seriously. Building a habit for more frequent exercising, taking those "everything" showers a little bit more seriously, or even learning habits to better control your emotions in times of distress could've immensely impacted how you handle yourself and your relationships today.

mom and adolescent kid having conflict sitting together on sofa in living room at home

Or maybe you wish you had gotten into the habit of learning how to effectively budget and save your money during college. So when you eventually graduated and really started life on your own, you would've already had a stable and well-built plan to make sure you were spending your money wisely. Doing so could've really helped you out now as an over-spending adult.

a man holding open a completely empty wallet

Maybe you wish you would've started far earlier learning how to break out of that bad procrastination habit you have. From avoiding doing that big project for school to avoiding doing that big assignment for work, procrastination can be a real struggle. If only you would've practiced something like the "two-minute rule" from your grade school days, it would have had a huge impact on how you complete your necessary tasks as an adult.

Frustrated student distracted in a cafe

Whatever that habit may be, I would love to know. Feel free to tell me your story in the comments, or if you would like to remain anonymous, you can fill out this form. The most detailed responses will be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!