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16 Cute Animals Making The Most Of The Cold Weather

Every year the cold weather ushers in a whole new batch of fun activities. Animals know this better than we do. With the breathable and warm Omni-Heat™ by Columbia Sportswear you can stay comfortable in all conditions, just like our furry friends.

1. Fall is here and the leaves are turning.

2. Which means new things to jump in...

3. circles around...

4. ...and roll in.

5. The piles of leaves give us new places to hide...

6. ...and unique ways to scratch our backs.

7. Soon the temperatures will dip below freezing, and this is not how we want to spend our time.

8. We want to keep playing.

9. To challenge the ice...

10. ...explore high and low...

11. ...and dive head first into the snow.

12. We want to dig tunnels...

13. ...invent new games...

14. ...or simply chill out.

15. We're ready to make up our own games...

16. ...and slide off towards new adventures.