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10 Things That Will Make Every Hard Worker Say, "That's Me"

Surely you're not the only one who dreams about work?

1. You eat lunch at your desk because of email FOMO.

2. You have more condiments in your drawer than a regular restaurant.

3. Your coworkers are convinced you live at the office.

4. You have a morning mantra that keeps you motivated.

5. You carefully plan all your coverage a week in advance before going on vacation.

This is what "I'm OOO with limited access to email" looks like

And you've made sure to vacation somewhere with easy access to Wi-Fi just in case.

6. Some of your best work ideas come to you outside of the office.

7. You genuinely love learning new tricks and industry trends.

8. Dreams involving work are a regular thing now.

9. Checking things off your to-do list is the most satisfying feeling in the world.

10. You may deal in numbers, but you also love those letters.

You're ambitious, and you know it. *hair flip* Why wait for the weekend? Start planning to get your CMA certification today!

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Photo credit for item #5 photobeginning / Getty Images